Chapter I. INTRODUCTIONFigure 1. Aircraft generator test stand, three-quarter right front view.Figure 2. Manufacturer's identification plate.Tachometer Indicator.Figure 5. Overall wiring diagram.Figure 6. Shipping dimensions.Figure 7. Base plan.Chapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-55-4920-227-150014Equipment Conversion - TM-55-4920-227-150015Section II. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS - TM-55-4920-227-150016Figure 9. Controls and instruments.Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-227-150018Figure 10. Direct generator mounting, exploded view.Figure 11. Adapter generator mounting.Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-227-150021Chapter 3. OPERATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 12. Lubrication chart.Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-227-150025Section V. BLOWER ASSEMBLYFigure 14. Air hose, tube, and blower, exploded view.Reassembly and Installation. - TM-55-4920-227-150028Chapter 4. DG, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDisassembly. - TM-55-4920-227-150030Figure 15. Blower motor, exploded view.Section IV. GENERATOR TACHOMETERVaribelt Removal and InstallationElectric Remote ControlFigure 17. Electric remote control, exploded view.Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. - TM-55-4920-227-150036Figure 18. Adapter bracket, electric remote control, and varidrive motor partially exploded view.Reassembly.Adapter Bracket AssemblyCleaning, Inspection and Repair. - TM-55-4920-227-150040Installation and Adjustment.Disassembly. - TM-55-4920-227-150042Figure 19. Varidrive motor, exploded view.Gearcase and Driven ShaftFigure 20. Gearcase, driven shaft, and case frame, exploded view.Cleaning, Inspection and Repair. - TM-55-4920-227-150046Reassembly and Installation. - TM-55-4920-227-150047Section VI. CONTROL BOXCleaning and Inspection.Figure 21. Control box, rear view.Section VII. STARTER BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 22. Starter box and control panel, installed view.Stationary and Movable Contact ReplacementMotor StarterBlower Motor Overload RelayFuse and Fuse BlockSection VIII. FRAMEFigure 23. Frame assembly.Chapter 5. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION OF MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-55-4920-227-150059Figure 24. Placement of charges.TrainingAppendix I. REFERENCESAppendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-4920-227-150064Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont)Appendix III. REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOL LISTSMaintenance Level CodeAbbreviationsFederal Supply Code for ManufacturersSection II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LISTSection II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150071Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150072Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150073Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150074Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150075Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150076Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150077Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150078Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150079Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150080Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150081Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150082Section II. ILLUSTRATED GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150083Section III. CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXESAlpha-Numerical Part Number IndexAlpha-Numerical Part Number Index (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150086Alpha-Numerical Part Number Index (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150087Alpha-Numerical Part Number Index (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150088Alpha-Numerical Part Number Index (cont) - TM-55-4920-227-150089Numerical Stock Number IndexTM-55-4920-227-15 Test Stand Aircraft Generators (FSN 4920-967-9969) Manual