TM 55-4920-227-15
(7) Connect the cable leads (12) to the terminal
screws (15) and nuts (16). Install the drive
block (11).
control name plate in a similar manner.
(8) Install the speed control name plate on the
(9) Install the back cover plate on the rear of the
front of the control box, and secure with two
control box and secure with eight screws.
(3) Remove the screw, nut, and lockwasher that
62. General
The starter box of the test stand is comprised of the
secure the starter box braces (11) to each
low-voltage moor starter, line-voltage motor starter,
side of the starter box (5).
thermal overload relays, auto-transformer, dual-voltage
(4) Remove five screws (19), nuts (20), and
transformer; time delay relay, fuse, and terminal blocks.
The magnetic motor starters connect and disconnect the
to the starter box and blower support and
power supply and load in response to the opening and
remove the starter box.
closing of the START-STOP buttons on the control box.
(5) Remove the lock wires from the six screws
The time delay relay is adjusted to maintain low-voltage
Remove the screws and lift the
assembled control panel (6) from the starter
motor before full line voltage is applied. The dual
box (5).
(6) Remove two screws, nuts, and washers and
remove the terminal block (25) from the
starter box.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
63. Starter Box
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
(1) Disconnect the input power source.
solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Tag and disconnect, all external leads from
1 Screw, machine, fil-hd
15 Screw, machine, fil-hd
34 Low-voltage motor starter
(drilled) No. 10-32 x
(drilled) No. 10-32 x 1 in.
35 Screw, machine, rd-hd, 1/4-
1 1/4 in. (16 rqr)
16 Transformer
20 x 2 in. (8 rqr)
2 Flash shield
17 Screw, machine, fi-hd,
36 Movable contact assembly
3 Stationary contact (16 rqr)
(drilled) No. 10-32 x 9/16
(8 rqr)
4 Screw, machine, fi-hd
in. (2 rqr)
37 Armature plate
(drilled) 5/16-18 x 3/4 in.
18 Fuse block
38 Screw, machine, pan-hd, No.
(6 rqr)
19 Screw, cap, hex-hd, 3/8 x 1
6-32 x 1/4 (4 rqr)
5 Starter box
in. (5 rqr)
39 Terminal block
6 Control panel
20 Nut, plain, hex, 3/8-16 (5 rqr)
40 Coil leads
7 Thermal overload relay, type
21 Fuse, 3-amp, 250 w
41 Bracket
F-Bul. 925 (2 rqr)
22 Terminal block
42 Coil 110 v 6-cycle, No. C6
8 Screw, machine, fil-hd,
23 Screw
(drilled) No. 10-2 x 3/8
24 Terminal block
43 Coil retainer clip
in. (2 rqr)
25 Terminal block
44 Bracket
9 Relay bracket
26 Terminal block
45 Lower armature
10 Thermal ove rload relay
27 Transformer
46 Screw, machine, fil-hd,
11 Starter box braces (2 rqr)
28 Terminal board
(drilled) 5/16-18 x 3/4 in.
12 Screw, machine, fil-hd
29 Stud
(8 rqr)
(drilled) No. 10-32 x 1 in.
30 Nut
47 Interlock
(4 rqr)
31 Plate
48 Screw, machine, fil-hd
13 Time delay relay
32 Plate
(drilled) No. 10-32 x 1 in.
14 Terminal block
33 Screw, machine, rd-hd, 4-20
49 Line-voltage motor starter
x 2 in. (8 rqr)
Figure 22. Starter box and control panel, installed view.
AGO 6729A