TM 55-4920-227-15
31. Lubrication Under Unusual Conditions
a. Unusual Conditions.
Reduce lubrication
intervals specified on the lubrication chart to compensate
for abnormal operation and extreme conditions, such as
high or low temperatures, prolonged periods of high
speed operation, and in dust or sand, any one of which
may quickly destroy the protective qualities of the
lubricant. Lubrication intervals may be extended during
inactive periods.
prescribed in the key (fig. 12) in accordance with two
temperature ranges: from 25 to 65 F., and from 50 to
110 F.
determined on operation of the test stand in accordance
with weather forecast data.
maintenance services rests not only with the operator,
32. General
To insure that the test stand is ready for operation at
but with the entire chain of command from section chief
all times, it must be inspected systematically before
to commanding officer (AR 750-5).
operation, during operation, and after operation, so that
defects may be discovered and corrected before they
33. Operator's Daily Services
result in serious damage or failure. The necessary
preventive maintenance services will be performed
before operation. Defects discovered during operation
of the unit will be noted for future correction, to be made
as soon as operation has ceased. Stop operation
immediately if a deficiency is noticed during operation
which would damage the equipment if operation were
continued. After operation services will be performed by
Visual inspection.
Make a general
the operator after every operating period.
inspection of the entire unit for obvious
operation services will be performed at intervals based
deficiencies, such as broken instrument
on the normal operations of the equipment. Reduce
glass, loose or missing bolts, screws,
nuts, loose electrical connections, or other
interval to compensate for abnormal conditions. Defects
damage that may have occurred since the
or unsatisfactory operating characteristics beyond the
equipment was last operated. Correct or
scope of the operator to correct must be reported at the
report any deficiencies to
earliest opportunity to organizational maintenance.
AGO 6729A