TM 55-4920-227-15
(2) Remove the six screws (28) and nuts (23)
40. General
The blower assembly of the test stand is comprised
that secure the valve (22) to the tubes (21
of the blower housing, motor, fan, tube assembly, and air
and 24). Separate the tubes and remove
hose. The volume of air is controlled by a blast gate in
the valve (22).
the tube assembly, and is forced through the air hose to
(3) Remove the two hose clamps (27) and
remove the hose (26), and tube mounting
clamp (25) from the tube (24).
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
41. Air Hose
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Wash the parts in an approved cleaning
(1) Remove the air hose assembly (1, fig. 1)
solvent and dry.
from the tube assembly (2).
(2) Inspect the pitot tube assembly for a broken
(2) Disassemble the air hose assembly by
connector. Inspect the valve for sticking or
removing the two air hoses (16 and 18,
binding. Inspect the valve for cracks or
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Inspect the tube assembly for cracks or
(1) Clean the air hoses and hose reducer with a
cloth dampened with an approved cleaning
(4) Replace all defective parts.
d. Reassembly.
(2) Inspect the air hoses for cuts, breaks, and
(1) Position the valve (22) between the tubes
(21 and 24) and secure with six screws (28)
(3) Inspect the hose reducer for cracks, breaks,
and nut (23).
and distorted condition.
Replace if
(2) Position the pitot tube (20) on the tube (21)
and secure with four screws (19).
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(3) Position the tube mounting clamp (25) and
(1) Install the air hoses (16 and 18) on the hose
hose (26) on the tube (24), and secure the
reducer (17).
hose to tube with hose clamp (27).
(2) Install the air hose assembly ( , fig. 1) on
e. Installation.
the tube assembly (2).
(1) Position the tube assembly (2, fig. 1) on the
tube support (11) and secure with two
screws and nuts.
42. Tube Assembly
a. Removal.
(2) Position the tube assembly (2) on the blower
housing (6) and secure with hose clamp
(2) Loosen the host clamp (16, fig. 1) and
remove the tube assembly (2) from the
blower housing (6). Remove two screws
and nuts and remove the tube assembly
43. Blower Housing and Fan
from the tube support (11).
a. Removal and Disassembly.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove the four screws (19, fig. 14) that
(2) Remove eight screws (7, fig. 14) and
secure the pitot tube (20) and remove the
washers (8) that secure the blower housing
pitot tube from the tube (21).
(12) to the motor support (9) and remove the
blower housing.
AGO 6729A