Section I. GENERAL
and depot maintenance to support this equip-
I. Scope
a. These instructions are published for the
c. The direct reporting by the individual user
information and guidance of operating and
of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
maintenance personnel to whom the test stand
improving this manual is authorized and en-
is assigned. They contain information on the
DA Form 2028 (Recommended
operation, lubrication, detailed preventive
Changes to DA Publications) will be used for
maintenance services, and maintenance of the
reporting these improvements. This form will
equipment, its accessories and auxiliaries; also
be completed, using pencil, pen or typewriter
packing, preservation, storing, and shipping
and forwarded direct to Commanding General,
U.S. Army Aviation Meteriel Command, P.O.
Box 209, Main Office, St. Louis, Mo. 63166.
publications applicable to this manual. Ap
2. Operator and Organizational Maintenance
pendix II contains the maintenance allocation
Record and Report Forms
chart. Appendix III contains the repair parts
For a complete list of applicable record and
required by direct support, general support,
report forms, refer to TM 38-750.
is located on the gear housing, and is electri-
3. Description
The Aircraft Generator Test Stand, P/N
air blower consisting of a fan and motor is
7199 (fig. 1) is designed to simulate actual op-
mounted to the frame. The starter box, which
erating conditions required for accurate and
is also frame mounted, contains all the electri-
rapid testing of direct-current and alternating-
cal controls necessary for reduced voltage
current aircraft generators. It supplies regu-
lated testing speeds of from 1,006 to 11,000
rpm. The test stand consists of a base mounted
4. Identification
varidrive synchrogear motor assembly which
is made up of motor, varidrive, and dual-head
three identification and instruction plates.
gear case.
A START-STOP pushbutton,
b. The manufacturer's identification plate
RAISE-LOWER pushbutton, indicator light,
(fig. 2) is mounted on the starter box directly
and tachometer indicator are contained in a
below the control box and specifies the manu-
control box which is attached to the starter
facturer's name, model, type, serial number,
box assembly. The RAISE-LOWER pushbutton
and part number.
energizes a speed changing electric remote con-
troll assembly which in turn varies the output
c. The motor starter identification plate (fig.
3) is mounted on the control panel beneath
AGO 6729A