(a) Discard socket head screws (32), 28
If a new fuel line is being installed, place
end of fuel line in boiling water until soft.
needle rollers (33), and retaining ring (35) each time they
Then install. Once stretched, the fuel
are removed.
(b) Discard seal (23) whenever it is re-
line may be reinstated without further
moved from crankcase (22). Discard fuel pickup wick
(b) Assemble engine.
(16) whenever it is removed from fuel and oil tank (6).
1. Using fabricated bearing and seal
(c) Inspect and clean or replace spark
plug (41) as required. Reset gap to 0.035 inch.
(d) Clean and inspect cylinder (43) for
crankcase (22). Use the shorter shouldered end of the
tool (from the interior of the crankcase), pressing against
worn chrome plating. Replace if more than three of the
the lettered side of the needle bearing only.
cooling fins are cracked or broken off or if cylinder walls
2. Using a new seal (23), greased to
are badly worn or scored.
(e) Inspect cylinder (43), crankshaft
protect it from damage, place the seal on the long end of
(29), and crankcase (22) for cracks, porous spots, and
open end of the seal facing the needle bearing (24, fig.
scored sealing surfaces.
(f) Inspect needle bearings (24, and 31)
11-20). Install the seal from the outer surface of
by trying to separate the needles at one end. If the
3. Install thrust bearing (27) and
needles can be separated more than the width of one
bearing race (26) on each side of the crankshaft (29).
needle, replace the bearing.
4. Making sure the rotor key (28) is
not in place, install fabricated seal assembling sleeve
Do not clean varnish-like deposits
from piston skirt or side walls of
Lubricate the sleeve and end of the
cylinder (43). Use extreme care so as
crankshaft to prevent damage.
not to scratch polished chrome
5. Carefully insert crankshaft (29, fig.
11-20) into crankcase (22). Remove seal assembling
(g) Scrape heavy deposits from the top
sleeve and install it on the opposite end of the
of piston (34) and clean by carefully wire-brushing only
crankshaft. Lubricate the sleeve and shaft as in step 4,
the dome area.
preceding. Install rotor key (28) in key-way of crankshaft
(h) Using the butt end of a discarded
piston ring, carefully clean piston ring grooves in piston
(34). Wash the piston in an approved cleaning solvent.
Be sure screws used to secure
(i) Inspect piston rings (36) for wear.
bearing housing to crankcase are
Replace if they are scored, have excessively round wear
9/16-inch long (not 1/2-inch or 5/8-
pattern, or have machining marks worn away.
inch long). Screw length is critical.
(3) Assembly.
6. Place bearing housing (7, fig. 11-
(a) Assemble fuel and oil tank.
22) in position. Secure with five new screws (10),
1. Install wick stud (17) into fuel tank
prepared by cleaning threads and applying a coat of
cover (1). Place new fuel pickup wick (16) over stud.
sealant (Locktite screw-lock), to threads. Tighten screws
Secure with gasket (15), felt washer (4), wick washer,
Remove seal assembling sleeve from
(14), spring (13), flat washer (12), and nut (11).
crankshaft after assembly.
2. Apply cement (Homelite part
7. Using fabricated needle bearing
number 22788, or equivalent; no known service
specification) to the sealing surfaces of the tank and
11-20) into connecting rod (30). Press bearing only on
lettered side.
3. Lay out fingers of fuel pickup wick
8. Carefully install piston rings (36) on
in the fuel and oil tank while installing the cover. Secure
piston (34). Open ends of piston rings must be adjacent
fuel tank cover (1) to fuel and oil tank (6) using 16
to piston ring locating pin.
screws (18).
4. Install pipe plug (5) and drain and
Piston ring retaining pin is permanently
filler cap (2) and gasket (3), if they were re-moved.
installed in piston. It may be seen at top
5. Screw fuel line elbow (20) into fuel
edge of piston, and extends through
tank cover (1). Slip end of flexible fuel line (19) over fuel
both piston ring grooves.
line elbow.
9. Insert connecting rod (30) into
piston (34).Start blunt end of piston pin through