(f) Place entire point set (37 through
42) into breaker box of stator plate (52). Start the
Use solvent in a well-ventilated area.
terminal block (37) into position in the slot of the stator
Avoid breathing of fumes and
plate breaker box and at the same time en-gage the
excessive contact with skin. Keep
breaker arm pivot pin in the hole in the floor of the box.
solvent away from open flame. Wash
Secure the fixed contact (42) to the breaker box with the
hands before smoking or eating.
assembled washer and screw (34). Hook the primary
(a) Clean all nonelectrical parts with
(black) lead of the ignition coil (50) through the lead
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, or
guide in the floor of the breaker box. Wrap the
equivalent. Dry parts thoroughly. Apply a film of light oil
condenser lead twice around the coil primary lead. Insert
to all exposed ferrous metal parts (except magneto,
terminal stud (38) through spring of breaker arm group
points, and electrical contacts) as a corrosion preventive.
(41) and through terminal block (37). Put primary lead
(b) Discard breaker point set (39
on terminal stud, and slip the con-denser (46) lead over
through 42), condenser (46), and felt seal (53).
the primary coil lead. Push terminal block (37) all the
(c) Inspect all threaded parts for
way down in the slot and secure with the terminal washer
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
(36) and nut (35).
(d) Inspect high-tension lead (43) and
(g) Set contact point gap at this point.
ignition coil (50 )for damaged leads, cracked insulation,
or other damage. Replace if damaged.
The proper contact point setting is 0.015
(e) Inspect magneto rotor (30) for
inch. For emergency repairs, the cover
cracks or other visible damage. Be sure the rotor
of a paper match book, which is usually
keyway and the rotor taper show no wear or damage
about 0.015-inch (1/64-inch) thick may
which could result in a loose or off-center assembly. The
be used as a feeler gage; however, for
rotor must be in perfect shape with no cracks or broken
setting the gap accurately, without fear
of scratching the points, a plastic feeler
(f) Inspect starter fingers (27) and
gage should be used.
torsion springs (29). Worn or broken starter fingers or
(h) Rotate the engine crankshaft in a
bent springs should be replaced.
counterclockwise manner until the breaking edge of the
(3) Assembly.
actuating cam is 1/8 inch beyond the breaker arm cam
(a) Install a new prelubricated felt seal
follower. This is the highest point of the cam. Loosen
(53) in the wiper on side wall of breaker box on stator
the assembled washer and screw (34), and move the
plate (52).
fixed contact (42) as necessary to set the gap. Check by
(b) If high-tension lead (43) was
moving the feeler gage between the points. When the
removed from ignition coil (50), screw end of high-
gap is 0.015 inch, you should feel a slight, steady,
tension lead into ignition coil.
smooth friction as you move the gage. After tightening
(c) Slide coil wedge (49) into center of
the assembled washer and screw (34), check the gap
ignition coil (50). Slide ignition coil onto armature of
again to see that it is still 0.015 inch. Readjust if
stator plate (52) until tang of coil wedge engages end of
armature. Secure coil wedge and coil ground lead
(i) Place cover gasket (32) and breaker
(white) to armature with screw (48).
box cover (31) in place, and secure with cover spring
(d) Attach new condenser (46) to stator
plate (52) with condenser clamp (45). Secure with
(j) Install the torsion springs (29), flat
captive screw (44).
washers (28), and starter fingers (27) to magneto rotor
(e) Insert post of new fixed contact (42)
(30) with shouldered studs (26). Be sure that the torsion
through new breaker arm group (41), and secure with
springs are so located between two vanes of the rotor
washer (40) and hairpin clip (39).
that the springs will be parallel to the flat edges of the
starter fingers when the fingers are touching the rotor nut
When installing the breaker arm
group, do not bend the tension
spring tension than is necessary to hold them against the
spring more than necessary to fit the
rotor nut.
points in place. A change in tension
(k) Complete assembly of ignition parts
may cause a bouncing motion, which
in turn causes improper contact.