(g) Remove ground electrical lead (11)
key slot so the knot engages in the key hole. Then let
with terminals from tab on toggle switch (14). Unscrew
pulley rewind. It will have two turns pretension left when
nut (12) and remove toggle switch (14) and ON-OFF
starter handle is drawn up to fan housing.
(h) If ON-OFF plate (13) was removed,
plate (13).
(2) Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
install it at ignition switch opening in starter fan housing
(3). Install ignition toggle switch (14) and secure with
attaching nut (12). Secure one terminal (9) of electrical
Use solvent in a well-ventilated area.
lead (11) to switch tab.
Avoid breathing of fumes and
excessive contact with skin. Keep
Starter fan housing must seat all
solvent away from open flame. Wash
around to avoid breaking housing or
hands before smoking or eating.
starter fingers when screws are
(a) Clean all nonelectrical parts with
installed and tightened. Use only the
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, or
proper length screws.
equivalent. Dry parts thoroughly. Apply a film of light oil
to all exposed ferrous metal parts as a corrosion
for instructions for installing starter fan housing
(b) Inspect all threaded parts for
b. Repair of Ignition Parts.
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
(c) Inspect bearing surfaces and
(a) Remove ignition parts from engine
bushings for condition.
(d) Inspect starter rope for worn or
(b) If necessary for parts replacement,
frayed condition. Replace if condition is doubtful.
unscrew two shouldered studs (26), and remove starter
(a) If rope bushing (6) was removed
fingers (27), flat washers (28), and torsion springs (29)
from magneto roto (30).
from starter fan housing (3), insert new bushing.
(b) Lay starter fan housing down so the
Carefully note position of starter fingers
spring retainer pin is at the 10 o'clock position. Position
and springs as an aid to reassembly.
recoil spring (16) so the outer loop is over the pin and
(c) Remove breaker box cover (31),
pointing to your left. Push recoil spring down into fan
cover gasket (32), and cover spring (33).
(c) Place starter post bushing (7) and
(d) Remove nut (35), and washer (36)
spring lock bushing (18) over starter post in fan housing.
from end of terminal stud (38). Remove black (primary)
(d) Place spring lock (19) over end of
lead of ignition coil (50) and con-denser (46) lead from
terminal stud.
starter cup shaft on pulley (20), with tang of spring lock
(e) Remove assembled washer and
facing in counterclockwise direction when looking at
screw (34). Pull entire point set (37 through 42) from
(e) Slide pulley assembly onto starter
breaker box on stator plate (52).
(f) Remove terminal stud (38) and
post bushing (7). Turn pulley clockwise until it en-gages
terminal block (37) from spring of breaker arm group
the recoil spring. Secure pulley on the starter post in the
starter fan housing with washer (22) and cap screw (21)
(g) Remove hairpin clip (39) and point
using a 5/32-inch Allen wrench.
(f) If a new starter rope is used, thread
washer (40), and separate fixed contact (42) from
rope through the hole in starter fan housing. Insert one
breaker arm group (41).
(h) Remove
end of starter rope through starter handle (5), and rope
retaining insert (4). Tie a knot in the end of the rope, and
condenser clamp (45), and condenser (46) from stator
harden the knot with liquid cement or by heating. Pull
plate (52).
(i) Remove coil ground screw (48) and
knot tight against inner edge of rope retaining insert, and
fit insert into starter handle. Tie and harden a knot in the
ground (white) lead of ignition coil (50) from stator plate
other end of the rope.
(52). Slide ignition coil (50) and coil wedge (49) from
(g) Preload the starter with eight
armature of stator plate (52).
clockwise turns of the pulley. While holding pulley under
(j) If necessary for replacement,
eight turns tension, slide rope into the pulley
unscrew high-tension lead (43) from ignition coil.
(k) Remove felt seal (53) from side wall
of breaker box portion of stator plate (52).
(2) Cleaning, inspection, and repair.