tor chamber. Screw choke button (11) on choke rod.
(i) If removed, install instruction plate
(a) Inspect all parts for visible damage,
(5) in underside of air cleaner element cover (2). Place
and replace those parts which do not meet minimum
captive nut (1) through air cleaner element cover (2) and
inspection requirements.
(b) Inspect reed (24) to be sure it is not
secure with retaining ring (4).
(j) Install carburetor assembly (32) in
cracked, warped, or ragged.
(c) Inspect the surface of carburetor
step e(2).
chamber (38) on which the reed seats. There must be
no gouges or wear indicated.
(1) Disassembly.
(d) Inspect all threaded parts for
(a) Remove starter fan housing as
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
(e) Inspect
(b) Remove muffler as instructed in
grommets (12, 33, and 36) and felt plug (10).
(f) Inspect air cleaner element (3) and
para-graph 11-8, steps c(1) and c(2).
(c) Remove pump as instructed in
gasket bonded to air cleaner element. If either gasket or
element is damaged, discard and install new air cleaner
(d) Remove ignition assembly as
(g) Inspect condition of fuel line.
Replace if it is damaged or considered doubtful.
(e) Remove carburetor chamber group
(f) Remove two screws (37), and
(a) Insert grommet (36) into carburetor
chamber (38).
remove manifold (40).
(b) Insert throttle rod (28) into
(g) Using a thin walled, 7/16-inch offset
carburetor chamber and through throttle rod collar (27).
Secure with setscrew (25).
(c) Place springs (35) on two screws
7/16-inch deep socket with a short extension, remove the
(34). Insert screws into holes in side of carburetor
(h) Grasp the cylinder (43) firmly and lift
chamber. Place a washer (26) over each screw, and
it straight off the piston and pin (34). Pack rags around
attach screws to throttle rod clamp (29). Place throttle
the piston to prevent damage.
rod clamp with holes down, and concave surface
adjacent to throttle rod (28). Tighten screws only as
required to keep throttle rod from slipping during pump
crankcase (22).
Do not remove studs (25) from
(d) Place throttle return spring clamp
(j) Use a 9/64-inch Allen wrench to
(17) in position. Use the marks left by previous screw
loosen socket head screws (32). Discard the screws.
heads to locate proper position of clamp. Secure with
Remove both halves of connecting rod (30) and all 28
two screws (16).
needle rollers (33).
(e) Hook short end of governor spring
(k) Using fabricated needle bearing
(15) in hole in tab of throttle return spring clamp (17).
Hook long end of governor spring (15) in second hole
11-20) out of
connecting rod (30).
(l) Using a pair of retaining ring pliers,
from unflanged end of throttle shaft and lever (33, fig.
remove retaining ring (35) from piston and pin (34).
(f) Install air vance governor (19, fig.
11-19) to
bottom of
carburetor chamber (38). Se-cure
Do not press piston pin removal tool
with screws (18). Slip end of governor link (20 )through
too far into piston or the spirol pin
hole in bottom of carburetor chamber. Fasten governor
will shear off.
link (20) to air vance governor (19).
(m) Insert fabricated piston pin removal
(g) Install reed (24), reed spring (23),
tool (fig. 11-14) past the spirol pin in piston (34, fig. 11-
and reed stop (22) to carburetor chamber with two
20). Press or tap out piston pin.
screws (21). Be sure the reed components are perfectly
(n) Starting from the top of the piston
centered on the valve face before tightening screws.
(34), carefully expand piston rings (36) to clear the
(h) Install grommet (12) in carburetor
piston, and remove them.
chamber (38). Slide choke rod (14) into carbure-