piston from same side as piston ring locating pin (ref
step 8, preceding). Insert a rod of approximately 3/16-
cylinder (43) and gasket (21) to crankcase with four
inch diameter into the open end of the piston pin, and
press or tap pin into position flush against the spirol pin
(located in piston pin bore in piston).
10. Using a pair of retaining ring pliers,
(1) Disassembly.
(a) Remove carburetor from engine as
install a new retaining ring (35) into groove in piston. Be
sure the square edge of. the ring faces outward. Rotate
the ring to be sure it is installed properly. Align the open
(b) Remove four screws (1) and lock-
end of the ring parallel with the connecting rod (either up
washers (2) from the pump cover (3). Lift the fuel pump
or down).
cover, gasket (4), and pump diaphragm (5) from the
carburetor body (35). Re-move the inlet screen (6) by
picking it out care-fully with a sharp pointed instrument.
When installed in the engine, piston
(c) Remove four screws (7) and lock-
must be oriented so that open end of
washers (8) from the diaphragm cover (9), and lift off the
piston rings, and open end of piston
diaphragm cover, the diaphragm (10), and the
pin are on side toward starter
diaphragm gasket (11).
assembly. Match marks on mating
(d) Remove the fulcrum pin retaining
screw (12), the fulcrum pin (13), inlet valve control lever
connecting rod halves must be in
(14), control lever comparison spring (15), and the inlet
needle (16).
11. Using bearing grease or beeswax
to lay out the rollers (33) lay out two strips, each of 14
During servicing be very careful not to
new rollers. Stick on strip into each of the connecting
stretch the control lever compression
rod (30) halves. Determine the direction in which the
spring. It is made to a predetermined
piston (34) must be placed in the engine (open ends of
length by the manufacturer.
piston rings and open end of piston pin toward starter
(e) If necessary, remove expansion
assembly side of the engine). Align the match marks on
plug (17) (ref step (2) (c), following). Remove plug (18)
the connecting rod (30) halves.
with screen (19) and retaining ring (20) from body (35).
12. Place the lower half of the
(f) Remove screw (28) and lockwasher
connecting rod into position in the crankcase under the
(29) from throttle shaft and lever (33). Remove throttle
crankshaft (29) journal. Hold these parts in place with a
shutter (31) from throttle shaft and lever (33).
strip of metal or wire bent beneath the lower half of the
(g) Remove screw (28) and lockwasher
connecting rod. Lower the upper half of the connecting
(29) from throttle shaft clip (30). Remove throttle shaft
rod into position in crank-case (22). Use two new socket
clip and spring pin (32) from throttle shaft and lever (33),
head screws (32) to fasten the halves of the connecting
and pull throttle shaft from the body (35).
rod together. Before securing the screws completely, be
(h) Close the choke and tap the large
sure none of the rollers are out of place. Tighten screws
center section of the choke shutter (25) just above the
(32) with a 9/64-inch Allen wrench to 60 inch-pounds
top of the shaft to bend it back in line with the remainder
torque. Rotate crankshaft to see that bearing works
of the shutter. Open the choke, and pull the shutter out
of the slot in the choke shaft and lever (24) with pliers.
13. Place the crankcase gasket (21) on
While pulling the choke shaft out, hold a hand over the
the crankcase studs. Be sure the holes in the gasket are
rear of the body (35) to catch the choke friction ball
aligned with the mounting holes in the fuel intake section
bearing (26) and spring (27). These parts are installed
of the casting.
inside of barrel opposite choke lever and are ejected
14. If a piston ring compressor is not
when the shaft is removed.
available, make one out of a tin can or strip of metal bent
(i) Remove the main and idle
to the outside diameter of the piston (34)
Squirt oil into
adjustment screws (21 and 22), springs (23), and
the cylinder (43) and oil the piston. Compress the piston
connector elbow (34) from body (35).
rings with the piston ring compressor, and push the
cylinder straight down onto the piston. When both rings
have started into the cylinder, see that the cylinder
exhaust ports are on the pump side of the crank-