(2) Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
If diaphragm end of lever is low, pry it up. If
(a) Soak the carburetor body (35) and all parts
lever is high, depress diaphragm end and push
on inlet needle for proper adjustment.
to be retained in the rebuilt assembly, except
(f) Install diaphragm gasket (11), diaphragm
diaphragms and gaskets, in carburetor cleaning solvent.
(10), and diaphragm cover (9) on bottom of body. Be
Blow all passages clean with an air hose. Clean the
sure to align parts properly with pins cast in body.
small hole running from the spring cavity within the
carburetor body to the venturi with a 0.010-inch diameter
screws evenly.
(g) Insert inlet screen (6) into well in top of
(b) Inspect all parts of the carburetor for
serviceability. Make the following specific checks: 1.
body (35).
(h) Install fuel pump diaphragm (5), fuel pump
Inspect fuel pump diaphragm (5) and diaphragm (10) for
gasket (4), and pump cover (3) on top of body. Be sure
breaks or punctures. Replace if damaged.
to align parts properly with pins cast in body. Secure
Inspect all threaded parts for crossed or
otherwise damaged threads.
(c) In extreme cases of clogged channels and
discharge ports, it may be necessary to remove
(1) Disassembly.
expansion plug (17). If required, drill a 1/16-inch hole
(a) Remove pump from engine as instructed in
through the plug just deep enough to break through the
plug. Carefully pry out the plug and discard. Clean
(b) Using fabricated bearing and seal tool (fig.
channels and discharge ports. Install a new plug by
placing the plug in well, convex side out. Flatten with a
tool slightly larger than the plug.
seal (9) from bearing housing (7). Press from outside of
(3) Assembly.
bearing housing.
(a) Place spring (23) over main and idle
(c) Remove drain and filler caps (27) and
adjustment screws (21 and 22). Install adjustment
gaskets (28) from pump housing (29).
(d) Using a strap wrench to prevent damage to
(b) Insert choke friction spring (27) and ball
threads, remove inlet fitting (30) from pump housing (29).
(2) Inspection and repair.
bearing (26) in spring cavity inside barrel.
Hold these parts in place while sliding the
(a) Inspect all parts for damage and
choke shaft and lever (24) into the body (35). Slide
serviceability Replace any parts considered doubtful.
choke shutter (25) into slot in choke shaft and lever.
(b) Check all threaded parts for crossed or
(c) Slide throttle shaft and lever (33) into body
otherwise damaged threads.
(35). Secure with spring pin (32). Place throttle shaft
(c) Check all seals and gaskets for breaks,
clip (30) over end of throttle shaft and lever and secure
cracks, elasticity, and shape. Replace any defective
with lockwasher (29) and screw (28).
(d) Slide throttle shutter (31) into slot in throttle
(d) Check condition of needle bearing (8).
shaft and lever (33) and secure with lockwasher (29) and
Try to separate the needles in the bearing. If
screw (28).
needles have flat spots, or can be separated more than
(e) Turn body over, and install inlet needle (16)
the width of one of the needles in the caged assembly,
and control lever compressor spring (15) into their
replace the bearing.
(e) Replace seal (9) each time it is removed
respective positions in body (35).
from bearing housing (7).
Place inlet valve control lever (14) into position, and slide
(f) Check all castings for evidence of breaks,
fulcrum pin (13) through holes in inlet valve control lever
cracks, porosity, scored sealing surfaces, and for
and body. Secure components in place with screw (12).
stripped, enlarged, or cross-threaded screw holes.
Be sure that spring rests in the well of body and is
Replace unserviceable castings.
located on the dimple of the control lever.
The valve control lever is properly set when
flush with the floor of the diaphragm chamber.