2. Place new seats (10 )in valve body so
(4), and bell washer (3) over stem. Seat stem seal by
that concave surfaces are against ball (11).
pressing on parts. Secure parts in place with one nut
3. Install new body seals (9) in body and
(1). Tighten snugly.
against seats (10).
7. Place valve handle (2) over stem.
4. Hold installed parts in position in body
With ball in open position (hole in-line with valve ports),
while placing valve ends (8) on two sides of body.
handle must point toward valve ends (8).
5. Secure assembled valve parts with
Secure handle with second nut (1). Tighten snugly.
four bolts (7), through valve ends (8) and body (14), and
(b) Test valve for actuation by opening and
nuts (6).
closing handle.
Valve shall operate smoothly and
6. Place new stem seal (5), follower