B TEST: Verify serviceability and detect incipient electrical or
B-1. General
mechanical failure by measuring the mechanical or electrical
characteristics of the item and comparing those characteristics
a. Section I provides a general explanation of all
with authorized standards. Tests will be made commensurate
maintenance and repair functions authorized at various
with test procedures and with calibrated tools and/or test
maintenance levels.
equipment referenced in the MAC.
b. Section II designates overall responsibility for the
C SERVICE: Operations required periodically to keep the item
performance of maintenance operations on the identified
in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean, preserve, drain,
end item or component. The implementation of the
paint, and replenish fuel, lubricants, hydraulic, and deicing
fluids, or compressed air supplies.
maintenance tasks upon the end item or component will
D ADJUST: Regulate periodically to prevent malfunction.
be consistent with the assigned maintenance operations.
Adjustments will be made commensurate with adjustment
c. Section III-special tool and test equipment
procedures and associated equipment specifications.
requirements, (not applicable) and Section IV-
E ALIGN: Adjust two or more components of an electrical or
supplemental instructions, explanatory notes, and/or
mechanical system so that their functions are properly
illustrations required for a particular maintenance
synchronized or adjusted.
function, are not required for the aircraft-mounted
F CALIBRATE: Determine, check, or rectify the graduation of
insecticide sprayer.
an instrument, weapon, or weapons system or components of
a weapons system.
GINSTALL: To set up for use in an operational environment
B-2. Explanation of Columns in Section II
such as an emplacement, site, or vehicle.
H REPLACE: Substitute serviceable components, assemblies,
a. Group Number. The functional group is a
and subassemblies for unserviceable counterparts or remove
numerical group set up on a functional basis. The
and install the same item when required for the performance of
applicable functional grouping indexes (obtained from TB
other maintenance operations.
750-93-1 Functional Grouping Codes) are listed on the
I REPAIR: Restore to a serviceable condition by replacing
MAC in the appropriate numerical sequence. These
unserviceable parts or by any other action required using
available tools, equipment, and skills-to include welding,
indexes are normally set up in accordance with their
grinding, riveting, straightening, adjusting, and facing.
function and proximity to each other.
J OVERHAUL: Restore an item to a completely serviceable
condition (as prescribed by serviceability standards developed
b. Assembly Group. This column contains a brief
and published by the commodity commands) by employing
description of the components of each functional group.
techniques of "Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary"
(IROAN). Maximum use of diagnostic and test equipment is
c. Maintenance Functions. This column lists the
combined with minimum disassembly during overhaul.
various maintenance operations ("A" through "K") and
"Overhaul" may be assigned to any level of maintenance
indicates the lowest maintenance level authorized to
except organizational, provided the time, tools, equipment,
repair parts authorization, and technical skills are available at
perform these operations. The symbol designations for
that level.
the various maintenance levels are as follows:
Normally, overhaul as applied to end items, is limited to depot
maintenance level.
C - Operator or crew
K REBUILD. Restore to a condition comparable to new by
0 - Organizational maintenance
disassembling to determine the condition of each component
F - Direct support maintenance
part and reassembling using serviceable, rebuilt, or new
H - General support maintenance
assemblies, subassemblies, and parts.
Tools and Equipment, and Remarks.
The Maintenance operations are defined as follows:
columns, numbered (4) and (5), are provided for
referencing the Special Tool and Test Equipment
A - INSPECT: Verify serviceability and detect incipient
Requirements (sec. III) and Remarks (sec. IV) that may
electrical or mechanical failure by close visual examination.
be associated with maintenance operations (sec. II).