TM 1-8415-216-12&P
1. Detach the earcups from earcup
retainer pads by disengaging hook-
and-pile fasteners and passing the
earcups through the retention
straps. Allow earcups to hang by
communications cord.
2. Loosen the rear nape strap pad.
3. Referring to Figure 4-41, squeeze
sides of lining, helmet, shock (TPL)
and remove it from helmet by disen-
gaging the front and rear hook-and-
pile fasteners.
4. Referring to Figure 4-42, remove
the pan-head screw, spring washer,
and post fastening the strap assem-
bly, chin to the center rear of the
helmet shell. Retain the screw,
washer, and post for reassembly.
Figure 4-41. Squeezing
Lining, Helmet, Shock (TPL)
Figure 4-42. Rear Retention Screw
5. Referring to Figure 4-43, use a spatula
(Item 2, Appendix B) to separate the
hook-and-pile fastener attaching the
lining, helmet, shock (EAL) to the hel-
met shell.
Following the contour of the helmet
shell, carefully slide the lining, helmet,
shock (EAL) out through the back of
the helmet.
Removing the lining, helmet, shock (EAL)
may require some practice.
Figure 4-43. Removing
Lining, Helmet, Shock (EAL)