TM 1-1510-218-10
down to present pitch commands
clockwise or counterclockwise for roll commands.
(5) DH Annunciator. Illuminates when the
aircraft descends below a selected decision height as
set on the radio altimeter indicator.
(6) Symbolic Miniature Aircraft. Serves as a
stationary symbol of the aircraft. Aircraft pitch and roll
attitudes are displayed by the relationship between the
fixed miniature aircraft and the movable sphere. The
symbolic aircraft is flown to, and aligned with, the
command cue to satisfy the commands of the flight
director mode selected.
(7) Radio Altitude Bar. For added backup
during the critical approach phase of flight, absolute
altitude above the terrain is displayed below 200 feet
by a barber-pole radio altitude bar. The bar appears at
200 feet and moves toward the miniature aircraft as
the aircraft descends toward the runway, contacting
the bottom of the symbolic aircraft at touchdown.
(8) Expanded Localizer. Raw localizer
displacement data from the navigation receiver (HSI
display) is amplified approximately 7 1/2 times to
permit the expanded localizer pointer to be used as a
sensitive reference indicator of the aircraft's position,
with respect to the center of the localizer. It is
normally used for assessment only, since the pointer is
very sensitive and difficult to fly throughout the entire
approach. During final approach, the pointer serves
as an indicator of the Category II window. Full-scale
deflection of the expanded localizer pointer is equal to
1/4° of beam signal. The expanded localizer is
displayed by the localizer pointer only when a valid
localizer signal is available.
1. Attitude Sphere
2. Roll Attitude Index
3. Eyelid Displays
4. Flight Director Command Cue
5. DH Annunciator
6. Symbolic Miniature Aircraft
7. Radio Altitude Bar
8. Expanded Localizer
9. Inclinometer
10. ATT Test Switch
11. Glideslope Scale and Pointer
12. GA Annunciator
Figure 3B-9. Copilot's Attitude Director Indicator Change