TM 1-1510-218-10
1. Attitude Sphere
15. Eyelid Display
2. Roll Attitude Index
16. Speed Command Display
3. GA Annunciator
17. Flight Director Command Cue
4. SPD Annunciator
18. Radio Altitude Display
5. ALT Annunciator
19. DH SET Knob
6. HDG Annunciator
20. Expand Localizer
7. NAV Annunciator
21. Inclinometer
8. LOC Annunciator
22. Rate of Turn
9. APR Annunciator
23. ATT TEST Switch
10. GS Annunciator
24. RA TEST Switch
11. BC Annunciator
25. Decision Height Display
12. VRT Annunciator
26. Symbolic Miniature Aircraft
13. VN Annunciator
27. Glideslope Scale/Pointer
14. DH Annunciator
Figure 3B-8. Pilot's Attitude Director Indicator
(12) VRT Annunciator. Illuminates when
vertical speed is being held by the flight director, in the
VS mode.
(13) VN Annunciator. When in an active
vertical navigation mode, VN illuminates when the
aircraft arrives at the designated climb or descent
(14) DH Annunciator.
aircraft descends below selected decision height as
set on the radio altimeter indicator.
(15) Eyelid Display. Surrounds the attitude
sphere and provides positive attitude identification by
means of a blue eyelid which always shows the
relative position of the sky, and a brown eyelid which
always shows the relative position of the ground. The
eyelids maintain the proper ground-sky relationship,
regardless of sphere position.
(16) Speed Command Display. The pointer
indicates relative airspeed provided by the angle-of
attack/speed command system.
(17) Flight Director Command Cue. Displays
computed commands to capture and maintain a
desired flight path. Always fly the symbolic miniature
aircraft to the flight director cue. The cue will bias from
view should a failure occur in either the pitch or roll