TM 1-1510-218-10
The outer control knob selects from 100 to 1700
kHz in increments of 100 kHz, then rolls over to 2182
kHz. The smaller inner knob selects from 100 to 1799
kHz in increments of 10 kHz with the small knob
pushed in, and 1 kHz with the small knob pulled out.
Between 2180 and 2189 kHz the small inner knob
selects the 1 kHz whether pushed in or pulled out.
(5) Volume Control Knob. Adjusts volume of
(6) OFF / ADF BFO / ANT BFO Function
Control Switch. Controls operational functions of the
(a) OFF. Removes power from the unit.
(b) ADF
identification of stations with unmodulated signals and
selects normal operation. The needle will point to the
(c) ANT
identification of stations with unmodulated signals and
operates as aural receiver only. Bearing needle will
park in a horizontal position.
c. Operating Procedure.
1. Control switch Turn clockwise, out of
OFF position.
2. ADF 1 or 2 audio switch (Figure 3B-1)
3. ADF BFO switch As required.
4. ANT BFO switch As required.
5. Volume control Adjust as required.
a. Description. The KTU-709 TACAN system
consists of the following components: KFS-579A
NAV/TAC control unit and KDI-573B DME slave
The KTU-709 Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
system is a polar coordinate UHF navigation system
that provides relative bearing and slant-range distance
information with respect to a selected TACAN or
VORTAC ground station. The effective range of the
TACAN is limited to the line-of-sight. Actual operating
range depends on the altitude of the aircraft, weather,
type of terrain, location and altitude of the ground
transmitter and transmitter power. Usually line-of-sight
limitations will prevent an aircraft on the ground from
receiving and locking on to a TACAN or VORTAC
ground station.
The range measurement portion of the KTU-709
TACAN system electronically converts elapsed time-
to-station by measuring the length of time between the
transmission of a radio signal to a preselected TACAN,
or VORTAC station, and reception of the reply signal.
The distance is then indicated in nautical miles on the
range/ groundspeed/time-to-station indicator. The
distance is measured on a slant from the aircraft to the
ground and is commonly referred to as slant-range
distance. Slant-range distance should not be
confused with actual ground distance. The difference
between slant-range distance and ground distance is
smallest at a low altitude and long range. However, if
the range is three times the altitude or greater, the
error is negligible. To obtain accurate groundspeed
and time-to-station, the aircraft must be on a direct
course to or from a TACAN or VORTAC ground
The KTU -709 TACAN system provides an audio
capability allowing the pilot to identify the TACAN or
identification tones transmitted by the ground station at
30-second intervals. It also features an in-flight self-
test mode for both bearing and range. The system is
protected by a 2 -ampere circuit breaker, placarded
TACAN, located on the overhead circuit breaker
panel, Figure 2-16, Sheet 3.
The KFS-579A NAV/TAC tunes the KTU -709 to
252 TACAN channels. Refer to Figure 3B-12. Fifty-
two TACAN channels are paired with frequencies in
the COMM band. These are channels 1 through 16
and 60 through 69, which correspond to VHF
respectively. Distance and bearing information is
displayed on the pilot's #1 HSI. Associating the #1
NAV with the pilot's #1 HSI will be helpful in
maintaining a sequence of operation.
The KDI-573B DME slave indicator displays
range to the nearest tenth of a nautical mile from 0 to
99.9 nautical miles and to the nearest nautical mile
from 100 to 389 nautical miles. Groundspeed is
displayed to the nearest knot from 0 to 999 knots.
Time-to-station is displayed to the nearest minute from
0 to 99 minutes. The display will indicate 99 minutes
for any computed time-to-station greater than 99
minutes. The indicator will display RNAV when the
displayed range, groundspeed and time-to-station are
derived from an area navigation system. The indicator
will display dashes while in search when power is first
turned on or momentarily interrupted while in the
frequency hold mode indicating loss of the DME
holding frequency. A photocell automatically adjusts