(d) Remove nut (6), washer (7), and screw (8)
to detach upper boom cable of spray boom assembly
(19) from tank installation (29).
(7) Remove tank installation (29) and tiedown lugs
(e) Remove nut (9), washer (10) and screw
(28) from helicopter.
(11) to detach boom support strut (15) from tank
installation (29).
4-5. Equipment Conversion
(f) Remove nut (12), washer (13), and clevis
a. Replace in Alternate Aircraft. The
bolt (14) to remove boom support strut (15) from spray
sprayer may be installed in either the UH-1B or UH-1D
boom assembly (19).
helicopters with only slight modification required.
Installation details are described in 4-3.
Do not remove nozzles from spray booms
required are:
unless necessary.
(1) If not yet removed from helicopter,
(g) Remove nozzles (16), nipples (17), and
elbows (18) from spray boom assemblies (19) only if
(2) Attach tiedown lugs to helicopter cargo
(h) Using a strap wrench to keep spray boom
assembly (19) from turning, unscrew boom attaching nut
UH-1B requires use of eight tiedown lugs.
to release spray boom from tank installation.
UH-1D requires use of nine tiedown lugs.
(i) Cap open ends of spray boom tubes with
When not in use, ninth tiedown lug is kept in
caps (30). Plug open ends of center section boom on
tank installation with plugs (31).
(3) Install insecticide sprayer into helicopter
Do not remove synchromatic windmill assembly
b. Alteration of Spray Pattern. Alteration of the
(24) from tank installation unless required.
spray pattern, as defined by flight and spray plans, may
(3) Remove three bolts (20), and remove
call for alteration of the system in one or more of the
synchromatic windmill assembly (24) from pump and
following ways:
brake assembly of tank installation.
Remove only if
required. If removed, secure hubs together using bolt
(23), washer (22), and nut (21).
Avoid excessive contact with insecticide
(4) Retract manual control panel of tank
spray fluid.
Avoid breathing fluid vapors.
installation (29) using the following steps as a guide:
Following contact with fluid and before
(a) Remove cotter pin, washer, and clevis pin
eating or smoking, wash hands with soap
(10, 11, and 12, fig. 4-10), to detach valve rod (15), from
and water.
lever of control valve assembly (47,
Leave attaching hardware in valve control lever.
Lay loose end of valve rod in drip pan beneath tank
Install nozzles and plugs handtight only.
(1) Quantity of nozzles.
Remove and reinstall
(b) Firmly depress locking button on brace arm
spray nozzles and plugs in threaded holes of spray boom
of control panel, and push control panel to retracted
(5) Detach web safety straps (4 or 6, and 22, fig.
(2) Orifice size. The size of orifice in each
1-2) from cargo rings in
helicopter cargo
individual nozzle may be changed as required by the
flight and spray plans. Use figure 4-7 and the following
(6) Remove cotter pins, lock nuts and washers
steps as guides:
4-2) from all tiedown lugs (28).
(a) Unscrew cap (1) from body assembly (8).
(b) Remove spray tip (2).
(c) Install new spray tip with orifice size
Four men are required to remove tank
installation from helicopter.
(d) Secure nozzle components with cap (1).
handles only, never by booms or braces.
Do not attempt to remove tank installation
with fluid remaining in tank.