(1) Remove shipping crate in sequence marked
(10) Reattach all attachment hardware not part of the
on outside of the removable side panel of the crate (ref.
insecticide sprayer to the skid. Retain shipping crate and
Military Specification MILS 52623 (ME)).
skid for later storage and re shipment use.
c. Initial Inspection and Servicing of Equipment. Prior to
(2) Remove field chest (1). Count all parts
enclosed in chest and check against basic issue items
installing insecticide sprayer into aircraft, perform all
list (app C). Record any shortages noted. Use tools from
inspections allocated to the Operator maintenance level.
chest as needed for removal of remainder of equipment.
Perform these inspections to insure that the equipment is
(3) Remove wing nuts and washers (2 and 3)
in operable condition. Perform the tasks listed in table 4-
and liquid loading system pump (4).
(4) Remove liquid loading system hoses (5) and
4-2. Assembly
suction pipe (6).
a. Assemble Insecticide Sprayer (fig. 42). The
(5) Remove spray booms and cables (7) and
insecticide sprayer is shipped partly disassembled. Prior
boom braces (8).
to initial installation of the insecticide sprayer into
(6) Remove control valve rods (9), web straps
helicopter (refer to P3), install nozzles and synchromatic
(10) holding control panel in place, and all small
windmill assembly.
components from skid frame.
(7) Detach quick release pins (11) and re move
Spray boom tubes may be assembled
skid frame (12) from skid base (13).
to tank installation for initial
(8) Remove cotter pins from each of eight
assembly if desired. However, the
tiedown lugs (15), and remove lock nuts and washers.
spray boom tubes must be removed
for installation of the insecticide
Four men are needed to lift tank
sprayer into the helicopter. Refer to
installation. Lift by handles only; do
43 for installation procedures for
not lift by braces or spray booms.
spray boom assemblies.
(1) Install nozzles (16) to boom tubes of spray boom
assemblies (19) as follows: