Figure 4-4. UH-1D installation details.
Attach other end of strap to the lower, center cargo
rings attached to helicopter rear bulkhead. Cinch straps
Four men are required to load tank
down tight.
installation into aircraft.
Do not attempt
(b) UH-1D installation. Attach web safety
to lift by booms or braces. Lift
straps (22, fig. 1-2) between holes in upper channel on
designated handles only. Tank
front of tank support (23) and cargo rings in stud
installation must be secured to aircraft
prior to attaching spray booms.
straps (6, fig. 1-2) to cargo rings of cargo deck as shown
(3) Place tank installation (29, fig. 4-2) into aircraft
with pump facing forward.
tiedown fittings (32, fig. 1-2) on rear of tank installation,
(4) Verify that tiedown lugs (28) are properly
and attach to tiedown rings of cargo deck as shown in
placed. Secure lugs to tank support and tank support to
aircraft with washers (27), lock nuts (26), and cotter keys
(6) Extend and adjust manual control panel (fig. 4-
5). Control panel position depends upon helicopter model
(5) Attach and secure tiedown straps as follows:
into which insecticide sprayer is installed. The UH-1B
(a) UH-1B installation. Attach web safety
installation requires that folding brace (1) be attached in
straps (22, fig. 1-2) between holes in upper channel on
the uppermost position on tank support center brace (2).
front of tank support (23) and cargo rings in stud
The control panel must be in its innermost position in
control panel support (3).
UH-1D installation requires
straps (4, fig. 1-2) over tank. Attach one end to strap
that folding brace be in lower position
tiedown end fittings (32) on front of tank installation.