flush often with fresh water. Then wipe dry and protect
(2) Liquid loading system pump engine power
the finish by wiping with an oily rag. (2) Paint exposed
output will decrease at a rate of 31/2 percent for each
metallic surfaces if paint has been removed. Coat
1000 foot increase in elevation. Pump output will
exposed ferrous metal surfaces with a standard issue
decrease accordingly as engine output decreases.
rust-proofing material if available, or cover parts with a
(3) Maintain maximum performance of
light film of grease.
pump engine by following all service instructions
Operation at high altitudes.
carefully. Be sure the air cleaner element is not clogged.
(4) Pump engine carburetor may require
(1) Operation of the insecticide sprayer at
readjustment for high altitude operation.
Refer to
high altitudes may require insecticide tank to be only
paragraph 118, step f for instructions.
partially filled. Consult UH1B or UH1D manuals for
takeoff weight restrictions.