by performing the steps described in paragraph 25.
(4) Pull starter grip (9) upward with quick,
short pulls. Do not pull the starting rope out to the end or
Load liquid into sprayer tank in the following manner (fig.
allow it to snap back by itself. Hold the cord so it will
rewind properly on the pulley.
Insecticides are poisonous, and should be
If you need to stop engine
handled with care. Avoid splashing fluid and
prematurely, flip ignition switch to
excessive contact and breathing of fumes.
OFF position.
Wash hands before smoking or eating, after
(5) When engine fires, push choke button
contact with insecticides.
halfway in. Continue to crank until engine starts. The
engine should start within one to five cranking attempts.
(6) If the engine does not start after
(1) Place the liquid loading system on right
several cranking attempts, pull the choke button out and
side of aircraft (pilot side). Place the spray fluid drums
try again.
within 10 feet of the pump.
(7) As the engine warms up, push choke
button slowly inward. Always operate the warm engine
Check contents of drum before
with the choke all the way in.
loading. Be sure contents are in
(8) Tighten fuel filler cap after engine has
liquid state, and not clotted into
lumps. Do not mix water or water-
base fluids with oil-base fluids, as
Although the pump engine starts easily
mixing will cause the fluids to jell.
at any throttle setting, including idle,
(2) Remove large cap from top of fluid
supply the engine with all the fuel it
drum and place suction pipe (9, fig. 11-1) into drum.
wants for "cold starting." After the pump
(3) Check that ball valve (2) is in closed
is running and has primed, you can set
position (handle across tube).
the throttle to desired pump
(4) Start pump engine and verify that
ing speed by pulling throttle button (28)
pump is primed. (Refer to paragraph 25, step b for
starting procedure, and paragraph 21, step b (5) for
pump priming procedure.)
a. Liquid Loading System. The liquid loading
system pump can be stopped after filling the insecticide
A sign that pump is primed is slowdown or laboring of
sprayer tank or when desired, by performing the
following steps (fig. 112):
(5) Remove dust caps from valved coupler
(1) Pull pump engine throttle button (28)
(4) and mating valved nipple (34, fig. 12)
out to slow engine speed.
on insecticide sprayer.
(2) Place ignition ON/OFF switch (24) to
(6) Engage coupler halves, open ball valve
OFF to stop pump engine.
(2, fig. 11-1), and start filling sprayer tank. A sealing
(3) Close pump outlet ball valve (2, fig. 11
valve in each coupler half opens upon engagement to
1) to stop insecticide flow.
Valve is
allow fluid to flow.
closed when handle is across tube.
b. Insecticide Sprayer.
Operation of the
As tank fills, check for leaks. Shut
insecticide sprayer is stopped as follows (fig. 12):
down filling operation at once if any
(1) Place valve control lever (27) to
leaks are observed.
VALVE CLOSED position to stop spray operation.
(7) Fill tank to desired level, as noted on
(2) Place pump brake lever (29) to BRAKE
liquid level gage (31, fig. 1-2), or markers on ends of
ON position to stop pump operation.
tank. Do not fill above 195 gallons.
Operation of Equipment
a. General.
Operation of the insecticide
Tank end markings may not be the same if helicopter is
sprayer and liquid loading system consists of loading, in-
not parked on level pad. In this case, average readings
flight checkout, in-flight operation, and post flight
of both ends of tank.
operations. Adjustment of the windmill blade angle and
(8) Stop fluid flow by turning ball valve (2,
changes in nozzle parts are done at the organizational
level and are covered in paragraph 45, step b.
b. Loading Procedure. Prepare the insecticide
sprayer and liquid loading system for operation