of hydrostatic lock. "
4-6. Dismantling for Movement
a. Insecticide Sprayer.
(d) Protect the finish by wiping the entire
insecticide sprayer and prepare for packaging. Use
unit clean.
If the unit has been exposed to salt water
or sea air atmosphere, wipe the unit with an oily rag.
(1) If insecticide sprayer is installed in
c. Packaging.
Load the insecticide sprayer and
accessories on the skid, and package in the shipping
crate, using figure 4-1 and the following steps as guides:
Disassemble components only as necessary for
(1) Load the tank installation on the skid base
packing in shipping container and to protect
and secure in position using the hardware supplied.
parts from damage.
Attach skid frame and attach the spray booms,
(2) Remove synchromatic windmill assembly
cables, liquid loading pump, hoses, field chest, and other
(24) from tank installation (29) as described in paragraph
accessories in the specified locations and in the manner
b. Liquid Loading System. Prepare the liquid
(2) Secure the cables to the booms with tape
loading system for reshipment using figure 11-1 and the
per Federal Specification PPP-T-97, type II or III to
following steps as guides:
prevent movement.
(1) Thoroughly flush the liquid loading
(3) Place the hinged manual control panel in
system.. Use noncorrosive mineral oil if spray fluid used
its most inward position toward the tank (ref para 4-4,
was oil-base, or water if spray fluid was water-base.
step a(4)). Secure the control panel to the adjacent skid
(2) Remove all hose connections at the
frame members with web straps (10).
valved couplers and nipples (4 and 5), and cap all
(4) Secure all other small components which
openings with the dust plugs and caps attached to each
might move within the designated mounting location with
coupler half.
reinforced tape per Federal Specification PPP-T-97, type
(3) Prepare the pump (1) engine for shipment
II or III, to prevent movement.
using the following steps as a guide:
(5) Preserve and package repair parts and
(a) Start the engine then choke it until it
tools included with the sprayer system using the methods
stops, to coat all internal parts of the engine with oil-
of Military Specification MILP-116.
containing fuel.
part or group of similar parts in a paperboard or
fiberboard box. Place the packaged repair parts and
Cushion or block
(b) Drain the fuel tank and pump cavity
parts where required to prevent movement within the
by removing the caps and inverting the engine.
Replace caps after draining.
(6) Install the insecticide sprayer and all
(c) Remove the spark plug from the
associated components and accessories, mounted on
engine. Preserve the combustion chamber with Type P-
the skid, into the shipping crate. Secure shipping crate
10, grade 2 preservative oil per Military Specification
in accordance with figures 1 and 2 of Military
MIL-L-21260. While rotating the engine crankshaft,
Specification MIL S-52623 (ME).
chamber through the spark plug hole. With
4-7. Reinstallation After Movement
The procedure for reinstalling the insecticide sprayer
into the spark plug hole.
Coat the spark plug
after movement to a new worksite is identical to that for
reinstall the spark plug. Attach a warning tag to the
engine reading as follows: "Caution
Prior to starting
the engine, the spark plug shall be removed and the
engine turned over several times to eliminate possibility