TM 1-8415-216-12&P
13. Have operator/wearer pull downward with hands on top of the helmet until it is
seated firmly on the head. Lower visor to check nose centering and clearance.
Fasten chinstrap and nape strap as tightly as possible, without causing excessive
discomfort. This will optimize the operator/wearers peripheral vision. Have
operator/wearer maintain as much downward pressure as possible, without
causing excessive discomfort, for 3-5 minutes.
The lining, helmet, shock (TPL) top should be compressed as much as
possible; this will afford a low center of gravity and long-lasting com-
14. Release pressure on top of head and remove helmet. Ensure that lining, helmet,
shock (TPL) lies smoothly in helmet. Reposition liner if necessary so it protrudes
1/4 at front of helmet.
If lining, helmet, shock (TPL) is not properly fitted, reheat lining,
helmet, shock (TPL), and repeat custom-fitting procedure.
15. Remove masking tape from nape strap pad hook fastener.
16. Have operator/wearer don helmet. Adjust earcups; tighten nape strap and
17. Perform a final fit check. No pressure points should exist; if they do, remove
lining, helmet, shock (TPL) from helmet and repeat custom-fitting procedure.
18. If the operator/wearer does not have a full field of view with ANVIS, remove the
lining, helmet, shock (TPL) from the helmet and reheat it. Reinstall the lining,
helmet, shock (TPL) in the helmet, have the operator/wearer don the helmet, and
press the front of the helmet against the head to compress the lining, helmet,
shock (TPL) as much as possible.
19. If fit is still too tight after the lining, helmet, shock (TPL) has been custom-fitted,
select the next larger helmet size.
20. If helmet fits properly, proceed to paragraph 4-11, step 12.