TM 1-8415-216-12&P
2. If only minor sanding was required (crack not through any of the fiber layers) then proceed
with spot painting the damaged area as described under painting
If the repair is filling unused oxygen mask mounting holes, clean area to be filled using pad,
isopropyl alcohol (Item 12 Appendix E) and apply a temporary backing, i. e., tape, pressure
sensitive (Item 23, Appendix E) on the inside of the shell. This will hold the adhesive in place
until it fully cures.
Mix only enough (Item 1 b, Appendix E) to be used before hardening of the adhesive occurs.
Follow mixing instructions included with the adhesive.
Apply adhesive to the holes to be filled.
Make sure you allow the proper amount of time, as directed by the instructions included with
the adhesive, for the adhesive to fully harden (cure) before proceeding to the next step.
To minimize health risks and safety concerns, always wear eye protective goggles (Item 10,
Appendix E), a respirator (Item 23, Appendix B), and appropriate protective clothing when
sanding, mixing or spraying primer or paint.
Using abrasive paper (Item 14b - 220 grit, Appendix E), sand any rough or uneven spots
smooth and level with the shell.
Check for any depressions or voids in the finished adhesive. If any are present repeat
steps1 through 5 until there are none.
Paint the repaired area as directed under painting.
The helmet shell should be spot-painted with the polyurethane coating listed above, also known
as Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) paint. This coating caused chemical agents to
bead up, allowing for quick, complete decontamination. Spot-painting involves sanding areas of
damaged (cracked, chipped, or peeled) paint and repainting those areas. Following is the
procedure for sanding and repainting. This procedure is intended for spot-painting exclusively.
1. Wash the surface with liquid detergent (Item 11, Appendix E) and water; allow to dry.
To minimize health risks and safety concerns, always wear eye protective goggles (Item 10,
Appendix E), and a respirator (Item 23, Appendix B), and appropriate protective clothing when
sanding, mixing or spraying primer or paint.
Using abrasive paper (Item 14 - 80 grit, Appendix E), remove all loose paint.
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