TM 1-8415-216-12&P
Change 3 5-1
5-1. Introduction.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance for Air Force units that utilize the HGU-56/P helmet for
rotary wing aircrew. Air Force personnel will maintain, inspect, and repair HGU-56/P helmet in accordance
with the procedures listed within Army/Air Force Joint Technical Manual, TM 1-8415-216-12&P and T.O.
5-2. AFTO Form 22, Technical Manual Change Recommendation and Reply.
Initiators of AFTO Form 22 will forward their proposed technical manual change/recommendation in
accordance with Technical Manual 00-5-1 to their designated MAJCOM for technical review. After review of
the proposed technical manual change/recommendation, MAJCOM will forward AFTO Form 22 to WR-
ALC/LKCB, Robins AFB GA, 31098-1640. WR-ALC/LKCB will then forward AFTO Form 22 to 311
HSW/YACSL, 7980 Lindbergh Landing, Brooks AFB TX 78235-5119 for Air Force approval/disapproval
action. If the proposed technical manual change/recommendation is approved, HSW/YACSL will forward
AFTO Form 22 back to WR-ALC/LKCB who then will forward AFTO Form 22 to the Army to be incorporated
into the technical manual with a courtesy copy sent to designated MAJCOM.
5-3. Material Deficiency Reports (MDR) and Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR).
The Army is Engineering Service Activity (ESA) for the HGU-56/P helmet. All PQDR and MDR will be sent
directly to the Army. However, Air Force personnel must use Army Form SF 368 when submitting PQDR or
MDR. Army Address: US Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, Redstone
Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. Please send a courtesy copy of all PQDR and MDR to 311 HSW/YACSL, 7980
Lindbergh Landing, Brooks AFB TX 78235-5119.
5-4. Inspection, Maintenance Forms, and Records.
Life support personnel will perform a periodic inspection every 90 days on HGU-56/P helmet. Helmet with
mask installed will be inspected every 30 days. Life support personnel will update all applicable inspection
forms, AFTO Forms 334, and computer-generated products to reflect maintenance and inspection of helmet
and sub-components.
5-5. Air Force Unauthorized Items.
The items listed in Table 5-1 below are not approved for Air Force aircrew members. Air Force personnel
performing joint training, exercises, or missions with the Army may use Army-approved items only to complete
mission requirement and aircrew flight certification.