TM 1-8415-216-12&P
5. Referring to Figure 4-15, use
a spatula (Item 2, Appendix B)
to separate the hook-and-pile
fastener attaching the lining,
helmet, shock (EAL) to the
helmet shell. Following the
contour of the helmet shell,
carefully slide the lining,
helmet. shock (EAL) out
through the back of the
Removing the lining, helmet, shock
(EAL) may require some practice.
Figure 4-15. Removing
Lining, Helmet, Shock (EAL)
1. Position the front of the lining, helmet, shock (EAL) at the rear of the helmet be-
tween the nape strap pad assembly and the helmet shell.
2. Following the contour of the helmet shell, slide the lining, helmet, shock (EAL)
into the helmet. Attach the pile fasteners on the lining, helmet, shock (EAL) to
the hook fasteners on the inside of the helmet shell. Ensure front edge of liner
is aligned with front edge of helmet shell.
Installing the lining, helmet, shock (EAL) may require some practice.
3. Reattach the nape strap pad to the helmet shell via the screw, washer, and post
removed previously.
4. Squeezing the sides of the lining, helmet, shock (TPL), reinstall it in the helmet
with the rear edge of the lining, helmet, shock (TPL) aligned with the top edge
of the nape strap pad.
Ensure that the nape hanger strap is taught and the hook-
and-pile fasteners are engaged.
5. Reattach the earcups to the earcup retaining pads. Have operator/wearer don
helmet and check earcup position.
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