TM 1-8415-216-12&P
b. Lining, helmet, shock (TPL)/cloth.
Shears, bent trimmers (GGG-S-00278)
Personnel Required
ALSE Specialist/Technician
or Personnel with ASI of
H2/Q2 (ALSE Qualified)
Lining, helmet, cloth (1680-ALSE-131-1-2-3-4-5-6)
Double-sided tape
R e m o v a l
fasteners, and passing them through the retention straps. Allow earcups to hang
outside the helmet by communications cord.
1. Detach the earcups from earcup retainer pads by disengaging hook-and-pile
2. Referring to Figure 4-16, squeeze sides of lining, helmt, shock (TPL) and re-
move it from helmet.
3. Remove lining, helmet, shock (TPL)
liner, helmet, cloth as follows:
(a) Remove and discard thread
attaching liner, helmet, cloth to
plastic layers.
Replacement of
thread is not necessary.
(b) Fold the sides of the cover down
to expose double-sided tape.
(c) Remove cover from layers.
(d) Remove double-sided tape from
layer assembly.
Figure 4-16. Squeezing Lining,
Helmet, Shock (TPL)
1. Cut two 2-1/2-inch pieces of double-sided tape (Item 22, Appendix E).
2. Attach a piece of tape to each side of layer assembly (where old tape was
3. Turn replacement liner, helmet, cloth inside out; place cover inside layer assem-
bly; fold sides of liner, helmet, cloth over layer assembly. Ensure cover is posi-
tioned correctly.
4. Squeezing the sides of the lining, helmet, shock (TPL), reinstall it in the helmet
with the rear edge of the lining, helmet, shock (TPL) aligned with the top edge of
the nape strap pad. Ensure that the nape hanger strap is taut and the hook-and-
pile fasteners are engaged.
5. Reinstall earcups and check fit.