TM 1-1510-223-10
8-12 Change 3
4. Left engine and propeller Check.
A cold oil check is unreliable. Oil should be
checked within 10 minutes after stopping
engine. If more than 10 minutes have elapsed,
motor engine for 40 seconds, then recheck. If
more than 10 hours have elapsed, run engine for
2 minutes, then recheck. Add oil as required. Do
not overfill.
* a. Engine oil Check oil level, add as re-
quired, and oil cap secured.
b. Engine compartment, left side Check
for fuel and oil leaks, security of cap, and
condition. Check door secure.
c. Left upper cowl locks Locked.
d. Left exhaust stack Check for cracks
and free of obstruction.
e. Propeller blades and spinner Check
blade condition, security of spinner, and
free propeller rotation.
f. Engine air inlets and ice vane Check
free of obstruction and ice vane extended.
g. Right upper cowl locks Locked.
h. Right exhaust stack Check for cracks
and free of obstructions.
i. Engine compartment, right side Check
for fuel and oil leaks, and condition. Check
door secure.
5. Left wing center section Check.
* a. Auxiliary tank fuel, cap, and sight gage
Check fuel level visually, condition of seal,
and cap tight and properly installed.
b. Heat exchanger inlet and outlet Check
for cracks and free of obstructions.
c. Deice boot Check.
* d. Auxiliary tank fuel sump drain Check for
e. Hydraulic reservoir vent and pump seal
drain Check vent clear of obstructions,
and that no excessive fluid is present.
f. Monopole antenna Check condition.
6. Fuselage underside Check.
* a. General condition Check for skin dam-
b. Antennas Check security, and condi-
b. Nose Section. Check as follows:
1. Nose section Check.
* a. General condition Check.
b. Outside air temperature probe Check
c. Avionics door, left side Check secure.
d. Air conditioner exhaust Check free of
e. Data link antenna radome Check condi-
f. Wheel well condition Check for signs of
leaks, broken wires, and condition.
g. Doors and linkage Check.
h. Nose gear turning stop Check condi-
* i. Shock strut Check for signs of leakage
and 3.0 inches minimum extension.
j. Torque links Check condition.
* k. Tire Check condition.
l. Shimmy damper and linkage Check.
m. Landing and taxi lights Check for secu-
rity and condition.
n. Pitot tubes Check free of obstruction.
o. Radome Check condition.
p. Windshields and wipers Check.
q. Air conditioner inlet Check free of ob-
r. Dipole antenna set Check for security
and cracks at mounting points, bonding
secure, and free of cuts and cracks.
s. Avionics door, right side Check secure.