TM 1-1510-223-10
8-10 Change 3
Antenna switch Select DIV
and repeat step (g).
Mode 4 Hold to TEST and ob-
serve GO light (if code has been
set in external computer).
27. BATTERY switch As required.
28. Toilet Check condition.
29. Emergency equipment Check that all re-
quired emergency equipment is available and
that fire extinguishers and first-aid kits have
current inspection date.
30. Parachutes Check.
Fuel and oil quantity check may be performed
prior to exterior check. During warm weather
open fuel cap slowly to prevent being sprayed by
fuel under thermal pressure.
* 1. Fuel sample Check collective fuel sample
from all drains for possible contamination.
Thru-flight check is only required if aircraft has
been refueled.
a. Left Wing Area. Check as follows (fig. 8-1):
1. Left wing Check.
* a. General condition check.
b. Flaps Check for full retraction (approxi-
mately 0.25 inch play) and skin damage,
such as buckling, splitting, distortion, or
c. Fuel sump drains Check for leaks.
d. Aileron and movable trim tab Check
security and trim tab rig.
e. Outboard wing fuel vent (in aileron cove)
Check free of obstruction.
f. Static wicks (4) Check security and
g. Wing pod, navigation lights, deice boots,
and antennas Check condition.
h. Recognition light Check condition.
i. Outboard antennas Check condition.
* j. Main tank fuel and cap Check fuel level
visually, condition of seal, and cap tight
and properly installed.
k. Outboard deice boot Check for secure
bonding, cracks, loose patches, stall strip,
and condition.
l. Stall warning vane Check freedom of
* m. Tiedown Released.
n. Inboard dipole antenna sets Check for
security and cracks at mounting points.
Check bonding secure, boots free of cuts
and cracks.
o. Wing ice light Check condition.
p. AC GPU access door Secured.
q. Recessed and heated fuel vents Check
free of obstructions.
r. Inverter inlet and exhaust louvers
Check free of obstructions.
2. Left main landing gear Check.
* a. Tires Check condition.
b. Brake assembly Check. Also, check
brake deice assembly and bleed air hose
for condition and security.
* c. Shock strut Check for signs of leakage,
minimum strut extension (5.5 inches), and
that left and right strut extension is approx-
imately equal.
d. Torque links Check condition.
e. Safety switch Check condition, wire,
and security.
f. Wheel, well, doors, and linkage Check
for signs of leaks, broken wires, security,
and condition.
* g. Fuel sump drains (forward) Check for
* 3. Fire extinguisher gage pressure Check
pressure within limits (Chapter 2).