TM 1-1510-223-10
8-8 Change 3
(2) WPT LIST (R4) Depress. WPT
numbers 10-59 are shown. The WPT
select window surrounds a WPT line.
(3) Waypoint string (line number), WPT
ID, and LAT/LONG (coordinates)
Enter into scratch pad.
(4) ADD/SEL (R1) Depress to load
WPT into system.
(5) If using the DTS when the desired
data set is boxed on the DATA
TRANSFER page Load waypoint
list using the data transfer system by
depressing NAV DATA (L2).
b. Flight plan Build as follows:
(1) WPT numbers Enter into a scratch-
pad in order of desired use (up to nine)
or box desired WPTs and PREV (R2)
or NEXT (R3) and depress LOAD
(2) ROUTES (R5) Depress.
(3) Route Select 1st, 2nd, or 3rd to
enter WPT numbers by depressing
the appropriate line button to store the
(4) Routes to use as the active FPLN
Select and depress the adjacent line
button to box it.
(5) NEW FPLN (L1) Depress to acti-
vate the FPLN.
c. TACAN list Build as follows:
(1) Mode switch B Depress to select
FPLN page.
(2) TACAN LIST (R5) line selection but-
ton Depress.
(3) TACAN station information (list num-
ber, ID, channel number, latitude/lon-
gitude, and station elevation) Enter
into scratchpad.
(4) ADD/SEL (R1) line selection button
Depress to load into system or load
TACAN list using the DTS by depress-
ing NAV DATA (L1) on the DATA
(5) TACAN stations to be used for updat-
ing Select and enter into scratch-
(6) TACAN SELECT (R4) line selector
button Depress.
d. Pattern steering mode Program as fol-
(1) Mode switch B Depress to select
FPLN page.
(2) NAV SETUP (R5) line selection but-
ton Depress.
(3) True bearing Enter into scratch-
(4) BEARING (L1) line selection button
(5) Leg length in NM Enter into
(6) LEG LENGTH (L2) line selection but-
ton Depress.
(7) TURN DIRECTION (L3) line selection
button Depress to select LEFT or
(8) Offset distance in NM Enter into
(9) OFFSET (L4) line selection button
e. Waypoint move mode Program as fol-
(1) True bearing Enter into scratch-
(2) BEARING (R1) line selection button
(3) Range in NM Enter into scratch-
(4) RANGE (R2) line selection button
26. Avionics Check as follows:
a. VHF communication radios (#1 and #2)
Press TEST and observe the following:
(1) Normal Dashes displayed in active
display and 00 in preset display.
(2) Fault DIAG in active display and
a two digit fault code in preset display.