TM 1-1520-218-10
selecting the right line select key corresponding to the
scan list item and, like on the Frequency Preset page,
assign a frequency and callsign to the scan list item.
On the Frequency Presets pages, transfer presets
from the V/UHF Presets pages to the scan list by
accessing the V/UHF Preset xx page of the desired
preset and press the SCAN INSR line select key. The
V/UHF Scan List page will be displayed with INSERT
PRESET AT? in the scratchpad. Press any of the four
left line select keys to insert the frequency preset into
the scan list.
Figure 3C-127. Scan Preset Page Access and
Table 3C-89. Scan Preset Page Access
and Usage Procedure
Press the line select key to access
the presets page(s) and laterally scroll
to the scan list page.
Indicates first scan list item used
when push-to-talk is pressed during
To activate scan function and return
to communication page.
Press the line select key to access
scan preset page to define.
Select callsign for scan frequency.
Select frequency and modulation for
(e) V/UHF Airport Frequency Selection.
To tune the radio to airport frequencies stored on the
data cartridge, access the V/UHF Airport Frequency
page. The V/UHF Airport Frequency page may be
accessed from the Communication page by entering a
valid airport identifier and then pressing the line select
key 1R. Refer to Figure 3C-128 and Table 3C-90.
With a valid airport identifier displayed at line select
key 1R, press this key to access the communication
radio frequencies associated with that airport.
Line select keys 1L through 4L on the Airport
Frequency page will select the corresponding airport
frequency and tune the radio to the frequency or
channel that was selected. The currently tuned
frequency will be indicated with an * instead of an ®
adjacent to the line select key.
Vertical scrolling will access additional V/UHF
Airport Frequency pages. The scrolling wraps around
if more than one page exists.
Data lines 1 through 4 will display the following
airport frequency information.
1. The V/UHF frequency.
2. The 3 or 4-character communication type
(ATI, CPT, etc.).
3. The sectorization data, if any.