TM 1-1520-218-10
When the crew changes the radio frequency, the
FMS-800 saves the previous frequency. To return to
the previous frequency, press the RECALL line select
key or press the QUICK TUNE push button with no
CDU scratchpad entry.
(b) Preset Frequency Tuning. Preset
frequencies can be entered manually on the V/UHF
preset pages, which can be stored on or loaded from a
data cartridge. The FMS-800 maintains one list of 52
presets for the V/UHF radio. To select a preset
frequency, either enter the preset number and press
line select key 4R on the Communications page,
access the V/UHF presets pages and select one of the
52 available presets, or enter the preset callsign and
press the appropriate line select key. Once the preset
is selected, the preset number is displayed in the
preset number field on the Communication page along
with the associated callsign. Refer to Figure 3C-125
and Table 3C-87.
To tune the radio to a preset callsign, enter the
callsign and press the appropriate line select key on
the Communication page. The FMS-800 will search
the preset list for that callsign and tune the radio to
that frequency, if found. If the callsign is not found,
SIGN NOT FOUND will be displayed.
Figure 3C-125. Preset Page Access and Usage
Table 3C-87. Preset Page Access and Usage Procedure
Pressing COM function key will access the communication page.
Pressing line select key PRESET will access the V/UHF presets page.
Laterally scroll between the frequency presets and the V/UHF antijam presets pages.
To select a new preset number
The communication page returns with the selected preset displayed.