TM 55-1680-317-23&P
2-15. SRU-21/P SURVIVAL VEST - KIT - Continued
4. Installation of the hunting knife and revolver holster is optional. If the vest is to be equipped with the
hunting knife and revolver, position the knife sheath perpendicular and adjacent to the new radio pocket.
Sew the top half in place and tack the bottom of the sheath in two places one turn double using waxed
nylon 6 thread, FED-V-T-295. The revolver holster may be positioned at an angle behind the hunting
knife sheath and sew in place.
The SRU-21/P survival vest may be equipped with a holster, revolver. The survival
vest may be equipped with a .38 caliber revolver when issued by the local unit
commander. The holster shall be affixed, after being donned by the user, by
handtacking the holster to the vest at four points using two turns doubled, ticket No.
6 waxed nylon thread. Secure each tack with a surgeon's and locking knot and trim
tie end to 1/4 inch.
5. Resew the inside pocket in its original position. Stitching will be in accordance with paragraph 2-7, using
the specifics in table 2-3.
(4) Replacement. Replace an SRU-21/P survival vest with a serviceable item from stock as authorized by repair
parts, Appendix C.
b. Survival Components.
(1) Inspection. Inspect the survival components of the SRU-21/P survival vest using the procedures in table 2-
(2) Repair. Repair of the survival components shall only involve replacing a damaged distress marker(strobe
light) attaching line. Replace the line by fabrication using a 30-inch-length of 1/16-inch-wide, type 1A
coreless nylon cord with seared ends. Attach one end of the cut cord length to the marker unit according to
original attachment details and secure the running end of the cord length by bartacking the cord material in
the original location on the applicable vest stowage pocket. Bartacking shall be made according to original
attaching details, using the specifics in table 2-3.
(3) Replacement. Replace a damaged, defective, or missing, survival component of the SRU-21/P survival
vest with a serviceable item from stock as prescribed in paragraph 2-5 and in accordance with repair parts,
Appendix C. A tourniquet or first aid kit medical items which are unserviceable will be replaced.
(4) Repacking the first aid kit. Repack the first aid kit with serviceable medical items according to original
packing details. Affix a marked pressure-sensitive label to the kit container at a point adjacent to the opening
of the zip-loc bag.
c. Assembly of Vest Survival Components. Assemble and stow the survival components of the SRU-21/P
survival vest according to original vest assembly details, the vest assembly list, and the details shown in figure 2-
25. The SDU-5/E distress marker light must be equipped with an ACR-FG1B flash guard and a suitable type dry
battery which is prescribed in repair parts, Appendix C.
(5) Repacklng Procedure. Stow tourniquet with a 8-10 inch Ioop.
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