TM 55-1680-317-23&P
2-15. SRU-21/P SURVIVAL VEST KIT-Continued
(c) Replacing edge and seam binding. Replace damaged binding around the outside edges and on the
seams of the vest by fabricating as follows:
1. Remove the original edge binding length by cutting the stitching which secures the binding to the vest.
Ensure the vest material is not damaged during the cutting process.
2. Cut a length of 3/4-inch-wide, type III nylon tape equal to the length of the original binding material and
sear the ends.
3. Position the tape length in the original binding location, and secure the tape by stitching according to
original construction details, using the specifics in table 2-3. Stitching will be made in accordance with
paragraph 2-7.
(d) Replacing fastener tape. Replace defective nylon hook-or pile-fastener tape on the vest or a vest pocket by
fabricating as follows:
1. Remove the original hook- or pile-fastener tape length by cutting the stitching which secures the tape to
the vest or pocket, as applicable. Ensure the adjacent vest or pocket material, as applicable, is not
damaged during the cutting process.
2. Cut a length of 1-inch-wide hook-or pile-fastener tape, as applicable, equal to the length of the original
fastener tape.
3. Position the replacement fastener tape length in the original fastener tape location and secure the tape
length by stitching according to original construction details and paragraph 2-7, using the specifics in table
(e) Replacing loop adjustment webbing. Replace a damaged loop adjustment webbing length at the back of the
vest by fabricating as follows:
1. Remove the original loop adjustment webbing length by cutting the stitching which secures the webbing to
the vest. Ensure the adjacent vest material or the loop tape cord is not damaged during the cutting
2. Cut a length of 7/16-inch-wide nylon webbing with one looped edge equal in length to the original loop
adjustment webbing length and sear the ends.
3. Position the webbing length in the original adjustment webbing location and secure the webbing by
stitching according to original construction details and paragraph 2-7, using the specifics in table 2-3.
Ensure the loops on the one webbing edge are securely anchored by stitching along the loop edge of the
webbing, catching the webbing and the loops.