TM 1-8415-216-12&P
7. Inspect the lining, helmet, shock
(EAL) for cracks and holes; replace
if any exist.
Referring to Figure 4-56, unplug
the microphone cord from the
communication cord jack (1) at the
rear of the helmet.
Remove the screw (2), spring
washer, and post attaching the
communication cord strain relief
plate to the helmet shell.
Remove the two fillister-head
screws attaching the jack holder
plate (3) to the rear of the helmet.
Untie the communications cord
strain relief plate from the commu-
nications cord.
Remove the grommet (4) from
the rear of the helmet through the
outside of the helmet shell.
Referring to Figure 4-57,
remove the foam receiver
retainer pad (5) from each
shell, earphone (6).
Keep the receivers; the
will be
reused during the TEMPEST
14. Using a jewelers screw-
driver (Item 6, Appendix B)
loosen (do not remove) the
set screws attaching the
leads (7) to each receiver
(8), and remove the
receiver from each
shell, earphone (6).
Figure 4-56. Communication Cord Strain
Relief Screw and Communication Jack
Retaining Plate
Figure 4-57. Shell, Earphone
When removing the communications cord leads from the shell, ear-
phone, handle the grommet only; do not pull on the wires.
15. Remove the grommet from each shell, earphone.
Holding the grommet, draw the
communications cord leads through the hole in each shell, earphone. Retain the
earcup for use with the TEMPEST headset.
16. Remove the knurled thumbscrew that attaches the microphone to the boom;
remove the boom clip that attaches the microphone cord to the boom.
17. Carefully remove the communication cord from the helmet shell.