TM 1-1510-225-10
NoPT arrival sector, remain in the LEG mode. The
KLN 90B will properly sequence to the FAF to MAP leg
and transition to the approach mode when 2 nm from
the IAF/FAF.
(2) If approaching from a direction that
requires a course reversal, the OBS mode will need to
be selected. If the OBS mode is not selected before
reaching the IAF/FAF, the KLN 90B will automatically
sequence to the missed approach point. This is not
desirable if a course reversal is to be done.
The KLN 90B will only provide the reminder
to select OBS if the IAF is the active
1. If a course reversal is required,
perform the appropriate procedure
and set the inbound cours e on the
EHSI upon reaching the IAF. At this
point, the KLN 90B works very similar
to a conventional VOR/DME.
2. Once established on the inbound
course, switch back to the LEG mode.
When LEG mode is selected, the FAF
is automatically made the active
waypoint when the IAF and the FAF
are the same waypoint.
It is mandatory that the unit be in the LEG
mode with the FAF as the active waypoint
before crossing the FAF to activate the
approach active mode and change to ±
0.3 nm scale factor. The CDI scale factor
changes from ± 1.0 nm to ± 0.3 nm over the
2 miles to the FAF. Delaying the switch
from OBS to LEG mode compresses the
scale factor change. This will make the
transition more abrupt. If the switch from
OBS to LEG is delayed too long, it will not
be possible for the KLN 90B to change to
the approach active mode.
(3) When the aircraft is 2 nm from the FAF,
the KLN 90B will verify that proper integrity is
available. If integrity monitoring is available for the
approach, the KLN 90B will change to the approach
active mode. This will be annunciated on the external
approach status annunciator as well as on the KLN
90B. The CDI scale factor will also start to change
from ± 1.0 nm to ± 0.3 nm.
(4) Upon reaching the FAF, the KLN 90B will
automatically sequence to the MAP.
(5) A step down fix may not be included in
the list if waypoints are provided in the database.
Identify this point by using the along track distances
given in the profile view of the approach plate. In the
leg mode, the distance given by the KLN 90B is the
distance to the next point (in this case, the MAP), not
the distance from the last point (the FAF).
(6) The KLN 90B will provide waypoint
alerting as the missed approach point is approached.
This is shown on the Super NAV 5 page as a flashing
active waypoint identifier, as well as the external
flashing waypoint annunciator. If the auto scale factor
was chosen for the Super NAV 5 page, the airport
diagram will be visible when the aircraft is within 5 nm
of the airport. More detail is shown as the aircraft gets
to within 1 nm of the airport.
(7) If a missed approach is required, the KLN
90B will not automatically sequence past the missed
approach point. To perform the published missed
approach procedure, press the D button to bring up
the Direct To page. The default waypoint will be the
first waypoint of the published missed approach
procedure. Confirm this waypoint as the DIRECT TO
waypoint and press the ENT button.
approach are different from the published
procedure, it is always possible to select a
different direct to waypoint than the default
DIRECT TO waypoint.
(8) Prior to reaching the first point, if holding
is required, select the OBS mode to stop waypoint
sequencing and define the inbound course for the
holding pattern by setting the proper course on the
EHSI. If the OBS mode is not selected before the
aircraft is within 4 nm of the holding point, the KLN
90B presents a message as a reminder to select the
OBS mode.
If another attempt at the approach i s
desired after holding, it is necessary to
manually change the active waypoint.
When the FAF and the missed approach
holding point are the same, the KLN 90B
will change the active waypoint to the FAF
when the change from OBS to LEG is
made. Make sure to make this change as
soon as possible to ensure the approach
active mode becomes the active mode.