TM 1-1510-225-10
available, and RAIM is currently available, the
KLN 90B will change the GPS APR annunciator to
read ACTV and the status line will indicate APR.
Refer to Figure 3D-66. At this time, the KLN 90B will
also start to change the CDI scale factor. By the time
the aircraft reaches the FAF, the GDI scale factor will
be down to ± 0.3 nm full-scale deflection.
Some approach procedures require adding
up several along track distances to be able
to identify a step down fix.
(7) A step down fix may not be included in
the list if waypoints are provided in the database.
Identify this point by using the along track distances
given in the profile view of the approach plate.
Remember, in the leg mode, the distance given by the
KLN 90B is the distance to the next point (in this case,
the MAP), not the distance from the last point (the
Figure 3D-66. GPS Approach Mode Active
(8) The KLN 90B will again provide waypoint
alerting as the missed approach point is approached.
This is shown on the Super NAV 5 page as a flashing
active waypoint identifier, as well as the external
flashing waypoint annunciator. If the auto scale factor
was chosen for the Super NAV 5 page, the airport
diagram will be visible when the aircraft is within 5 nm
of the airport. More detail is shown as the aircraft gets
to within 1 nm of the airport.
approach are different from the published
procedure, it is always possible to select a
different DIRECT TO waypoint from the
default DIRECT TO waypoint.
(9) If a missed approach is required, the KLN
90B will not automatically sequence past the missed
approach point. To perform the published missed
approach procedure, press the D button to bring up
the Direct To page. The default waypoint will be the
first waypoint of the published missed approach
procedure. Confirm this waypoint as the DIRECT TO
waypoint and press the ENT button.
(10)Upon reaching the first point, the KLN 90B
will sequence to the next waypoint in the missed
approach procedure.
g. Off Airport Navaid Approach.
1. Load the approach into the flight plan. If
there is only one IAF, the KLN 90B does
not give the option to choose an IAF. If
there is no active flight plan (i.e., direct to
navigation is being used without an active
flight plan), the KLN 90B will ask to add
the airport and the approach to FPL 0.
Refer to Figure 3D-67.
Figure 3D-67. Loading the Approach
2. If ATC then clears the aircraft to the IAF,
with the Super NAV 5 page displayed, pull
out the right inner knob and scan through
the active flight plan. Once the IAF is
displayed in the scanning window, press
the D button and then the ENT button
to initiate a direct to operation to the IAP.
3. At a distance of 4 nm to the IAF, the KLN
90B will give the message, IF REQUIRED
(1) This message provides a reminder that to
fly a course reversal, the OBS mode needs to be
selected. If the aircraft is approaching the IAF from an
area where there is no need to perform a course
reversal, ignore the message. A NoPT arrival sector is
not stored in the database, so it is not possible for the
KLN 90B to know that the course reversal is not
required. Therefore, the KLN 90B will always give the
message whenever a waypoint could be used for a
course reversal. If the aircraft is approaching from a