TM 1-1510-233-CL
(5) Mission annunciator panel Green INS
UPDATE annunciator and amber NO
INS UPDATE annunciator light illumi-
(6) After 15 seconds the text COMPLETE
or any active ACTION or MALFUNC-
TION codes will be displayed. If an ac-
tion or malfunction code is displayed
they may have been cleared by the BIT
test. The only way to ensure they are
cleared is to conduct another BIT and
the text COMPLETE appears.
Waypoint list Build as follows:
a. Mode switch B Depress to select FPLN
b. WPT LIST (R4) Depress. WPT numbers
10-59 are shown. The WPT select window
surrounds a WPT line.
c. Waypoint string (line number), WPT ID, and
LAT/LONG (coordinates) Enter into
scratch pad.
d. ADD/SEL (R1) Depress to load WPT into
e. If using the DTS when the desired data set
is boxed on the DATA TRANSFER page
Load waypoint list using the data transfer
system by depressing NAV DATA (L2).
Flight plan Build as follows:
a. WPT numbers Enter into scratchpad in or-
der of desired use (up to nine) or box de-
sired WPTs and PREV (R2) OR NEXT (R3)
and depress LOAD SCRATCH PAD (L5).