TM 1-1510-223-CL
Then control wheel must be held at mid-
travel due to ballast in the elevator. The au-
topilot will disconnect during pitch wheel
check due to the heavy nose down force if
the control wheel is not off the forward stop.
d. Control wheel Move to mid-travel.
e. AP ENGAGE switch-indicator (autopilot
controller) Depress to engage autopilot
and yaw damper. Check that AP EN-
GAGE and YD ENGAGE switch-indica-
tors on autopilot controller and remote an-
nunciators on instrument panel are illumi-
Autopilot overpower check Check as fol-
a. Rudder pedals Overpower slowly.
b. Control wheel Overpower in both direc-
If the autopilot or yaw damper disen-
gages during the overpower test, the
system is considered non-operative
and should not be used. The elevator
trim system must not be forced beyond
the limits which are indicated on the ele-
vator trim indicator.