TM 1-1510-223-CL
12. GO AROUND button (left power lever) De-
press. Check that AP disengages and FD
commands a wings level, 7 degree nose up
attitude. Check GA annunciator on EADI illu-
minates. Yaw damper should automatically
engage and YD ENGAGE switch-annuncia-
tor should be illuminated on the autopilot con-
troller and the remote annunciators above the
EADIs should be illuminated.
switch (pedestal extension) RESET. Check
the RUDDER BOOST annunciator above the
EADIs illuminates, yaw damper disengages,
TD ENGAGE switch-indicator on the autopi-
lot controller extinguishes, and the YD EN-
GAGE remote annunciators above the
EADIs flash 5 times.
If the SBY annunciator on the flight di-
rector mode selector does not illumi-
nate within 10 seconds after the avion-
ics master switch is turned on, the
autopilot has failed self-test and is con-
sidered inoperative and should not be
Do not force the elevator trim system be-
yond the limits which are indicated.
14. YD ENGAGE push-button switch-indicator
(autopilot controller) Depress while holding
rudder boost/yaw control switch in TEST.
Yaw damper should not engage.