g. Sealing. Use the helium leak detector,
any of the following positions, shall not ex-
Model 24-120A, to determine helium Leak
ceed (respectively) 30 RPM and 1.5 RPM. In
rate from indicator case. At a pressure differ-
ential of approximately one atmosphere, de-
tected leak rate shall not exceed 0.01 micro-
(1) 45 degrees to the rear (dial tilted 45
cubic-foot per hour.
degrees back from the vertical).
h. Dielectric Strength. Use the insulation
(2) 45 degrees to the front (dial tilted
breakdown test set 137001-C to apply a po-
45 degrees forward from the ver-
tential of 200 volts rms at a commerical fre-
tical) .
quency for a minimum period of five seconds
(3) 45 degrees to the right (dial
between isolated pins of the receptacle and the
indicator case. There shall be no breakdown
(4) 45 degrees to the left (dial vertical).
of insulation.
Table 7. Calibration Data, Engine Pointer