Wiring Diagram. Note that end cov-
er is marked "FM" and "RM" sig-
at 4470 RPM. Adjust return path
nifying front motor and rear mo-
(10 of figure 9) to obtain a read-
tor; attach wires accordingly. Use
ing of 7000 RPM on engine pointer.
solder 63/37 lead-tin mixture.
If necessary, check magnetism of
m. Calibrate the assembled mechanism as
front magnet assembly (1 of figure
9) as
outlined in
e above to
(1) Place mechanism in the vertical posi-
this reading. If magnet assembly re-
tion (dial horizontal). Check align-
quires remagnetization, be certain to
ment of pointers; if necessary, set
submit it to the thermocycle de-
pointers at zero by adjusting hair-
scribed in the note following e
above. Secure return path in posi-
(2) Connect front or engine motor assem-
tion. Check 0, 4000, and 7000 test
E. Rotor assembly must start with
8, check 0, 200,
and 340 test
the application of 150 RPM. If not,
check magnetization of rotor assem-
tolerance. If mechanism is not prop-
erly calibrated at this point, the fault
Figure 5. Alignment Fixture.