TM 55-6680-234-40
of rotor assembly. Install shims as required
fully guide extension shaft through
to obtain end play of shaft of 0.0012 to 0.0020
hollow shaft of front motor assem-
inches. Secure rear motor assembly (19) to
bly. Pass leads back through large
plate (22) with screws (24) and locklwashers
front motor assembly on plate (4 of
k. Perform the starting test outlined in
4) and lockwashers (16 of figure
dure. on both motor assemblies. Adjust mo
Install front drag cup assembly (11
tor assemblies to start at the minimum start-
ing RPM by turning screws (8 of figures 9 and
and shaft assembly. Lightly tap drag
11) in or out of return paths (10 of figures
cup to assure that it is properly
9 and 22), Secure screws in
positions of
imum starting RPM with nuts (9 of figures
9 nnd 11). If
either motor assembly fails
Install front plate and shaft assem-
starting test, check magnetization of rotor as-
bly on front motor assembly; care-
semblies ( 14 of figures 9 and 11) as outlined
fully guide extension shaft through
in f above,
jewel in front shaft. Secure compo-
l. Using assembly fixture 1489447, proceed
as follows to assemble the front and rear plate
Mount rear motor assembly on as-
and shaft assemblies and the front and rear
sembled mechanism. Secure with
motor assemblies.
(1) Remove front motor assembly from
Press rear or engine pointer assembly
and shaft assembly. Insert rear taper
on its drive shaft so that its tip falls
necessary use a three-flute, three-de-
of rear plate and shaft assembly.
gree hand-taper reamer to ream hub
Rear taper of extension shaft is lo-
of pointer for proper fit on shaft,
cated on end of shaft having large
Press front or rotor pointer assembly
diameter. Lightly tap shaft to assure
on inner shaft. If necessary use a
that it is properly seated.
three-flute, three-degree hand-taper
(2) Install rear drag cup assembly (18
reamer to ream hub for proper fit
on shaft.
p l a t e and shaft assembly. (Rear
Engine pointer must be able to trav-
drag cup assembly has a smaller hole
in its hub than front drag cup assem-
by an amount equivalent to at least
bly.) Lightly tap drag cup assembly
200 RPM on engine scale. Rotor
ssure that it is properly seated.
pointer must be capable of traveling
must be exactly aligned to prevent
by an amount equivalent to at least
10 RPM on rotor scale. If necessary,
Position rear plate and shaft assem-
check adjustments of hairsprings and
bly in assembly fixture; rotate shaft
hairspring plates as outlined in g(5)
to check its alignment; if shaft does
and (6) above to obtain these con-
not run true, press on side of shaft
with finger until exact alignment is
secured. Reinstall front motor as-
Solder leads of stator assemblies to
terminal pins of receptacle assem-
rear plate and shaft assembly; care-