TM 55-6680-234-40
(3) Rear plate and shaft assembly (15).
(4) Rear motor assembly (19).
a. Open indicator and remove internal
mechanism assembly as follows:
Separate these components as follows:
(1) Remove protective caps (31) and at-
(5) Rotate pointer assemblies (6 and 7),
tach a mating connector (MS3106-
one at a time, against stop. Being
14S-7S or MS3108-14S-7S) to one
careful to avoid bending stop, gent-
ly continue rotation and pull point-
ers away from dial until they are
dered joint securing end cover as-
sembly (28) to case assembly (4) un-
(6) Remove two hex head screws (18)
til solder has melted sufficiently that
and their "C" washers (14). Care-
end cover assembly can be pulled
fully detach and remove rear motor
free without peeling plating from
assembly (19) from mechanism. Re
end cover (32 ) or case (3).
move rear drag cup assembly (18)
from rear plate and shaft assembly
Caution: Excessive heat or force
(15) by turning counterclockwise
can result in separation of recepta-
against stop and pulling gently.
cles from end cover.
(7) Remove twO hex head screws (8) and
It is not necessary, however, to re-
" C " washers (9). Detach and
move front plate and shaft assembly
less one of these parts is defective.
(10) from front motor assembly
Remove excess solder from inner
(12). Remove front drag cup assem-
circumference of case; withdraw
bly (11) from front plate and shaft
mechanism straight out from case as-
assembly (10) by turning counter-
clockwise against stop and pulling
(2) Unsolder and remove eyelet (27).
Unsolder leads from terminal pins of
(8) Remove three screws (17) and their
receptacles (33).
(3) Remove dial spacer (5) from case as-
move front motor assembly (12)
sembly (4).
from forward plate of rear plate and
shaft assembly (15).
Note. Do not disassemble case assembly
(4) unless necessary to replace a defective
Caution: Use care to avoid bend-
ing shaft.
b. Mechanism assembly incorporates four
(9) Remove three screws (24) and their
major subassemblies:
( 1 ) Front plate and shaft assembly
tor assembly (19) from plate (22).
Remove bearing (20) and shim (21)
(2) Front motor assembly (12).
from plate (22).