(1) Remove hex socket set screw (7)
Note. Indicators with serial numbers 1 through 799
and withthdraw magnet assembly (1)
have a jewel (3) in plate (4) and a jewel in rear plate
in compliance with procedure out-
lined in preeding caution note.
(2) Hold magnet keeper 1489071 against
11 do not have slots machined in
s t a t o r assembly (13) in housing
each side. These indicators are des-
(11). Remove rotor assembly (14)
ignated type 41105-C5A-4-B3. To
from stator directly into magnet
m o d i f y these indicators to type
41105-C5A-4-E3, these jewels must
(3) Do not remove stator assembly (13)
from housing (11) unless necessary
housings must be machined to in-
to replace a defective part. Stator
corporate twO additional slots in each
assembly is secured in housing by
as outlined in (2) below.
shrink fit. If components must be
separated, heat housing to permit re-
moval of stator.
and 11 to dimensions shown in the
e. Disassemble rear motor assembly in a
manner similar to that described in d above
justment slut.
Figure 3. Modification of Housing.