TM 55-6680-234-40
1. General Information
ual contain instructions for this part number.
a. This technical manual comprises over-
b. Report of errors, omissions, and recom-
mendations for improving this publication by
the individual user is encouraged. Reports
dicator, type number 41105-C5A-4-E3 (see
should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Rec-
ommended Changes to DA Publications) and
41105-C5A-4-E3, manufactured by the Ben-
forwarded directly to the Commanding Gener-
dix Corporation, Flight & Engine Instruments
al, U.S. Army Aviation Materiel Command
Division, South Montrose, Pennsylvania
ATTN: AMSAV-M, Post Office Box 209,
18801, Federal Supply Code Number 02987.
St. Louis, Missouri 63166.