TM 55-4920-403-20&P
Be sure to note which wires are con-
nected to which number contact. Refer
to the shelter wiring diagram in drawing
4920-EG-056 (figure D-2) for assistance.
Install the new receptacle by inserting
and securing the wires first. Then install
the mounting hardware and reinstall the
power inlet panel cover.
(2) The ground stud (item 28, figure D-2)
may be replaced by de-energizing the shelter, re-
moving ground stake wire and removing the
power inlet box cover as previously described.
As an extra safety precaution, remove
the shelter power cable from the power
inlet connector.
(3) Loosen the nut securing the stud and re-
move the damaged stud. Clean away any build up
of corrosion then install a new ground stud, se-
cure the inside ground wire, and tighten the
mounting nut. Replace the power box cover, fas-
ten the ground stake wire outside, and reconnect
the shelter power cable.
(4) Replacement of the weatherproof outlet
cover (item 24, figure D-2) should be preceded by
turning off the circuit breaker supplying power to
the outlet. Remove the screw holding the weather-
proof cover in palce and replace. If the outlet
(item 26, figure D-2) needs replacement, de-ener-
gize the shelter and remove the power inlet box
cover as previously described. Remove screws
and nuts holding the outlet to the panel. Remove
the wires from the connector and discard the
damaged connector. Install wires on the new con-
nector, install mounting hardware, and weather-
proof cover plate. Reinstall power box cover and
energize the shelter.
(5) Repairs to the power inlet panel
should be limited to replacing loose rivets and re-
pairing dents and minor sheet metal punctures.
d. Circuit Breaker Panel.
(1) In the unlikely event the entire circuit
breaker panel (items 29 and 30, figure D-2) re-
quires replacement due to damage to the case or
electrical damage to the bus bars, a new panel
may be installed, De-energize the shelter and re-
move the power cable from the power inlet con-
nector. Use a trouble light to illuminate the shel-
ter. Remove the cover (item 30, figure D-2) and
disconnect all wires,
Put a masking tape label on each wire
as it is disconnected to aid in proper re-
(2) Loosen and remove all conduit con-
nector retaining nuts. Remove four screws (item
111, figure D-2) holding the panel to the backing
plate. Install new paneI using the sheet metal
screws removed from the old one. Punch out ap-
propriate knock-outs and insert conduit con-
nectors. Install conduit connector retaining nuts.
Install serviceable circuit breakers from the old
panel or new ones by snapping them into place in
the same position as on the old panel. Connect
wires as previously labeled and refer to the shelter
wiring diagram in drawing 4920-EG-056 (figure D-
2). Replace breaker panel cover and re-energize
shelter. Check all circuits for proper operation.
e. Circuit Breakers. Circuit breakers (items
31, 32 and 33, figure D-2) are replaced when they
become physically damaged or fail electrically to
operate properly. De-energize shelter and remove
shelter power cable. Illuminate the shelter with a
trouble light. Remove circuit breaker panel cover
(item 30, figure D-2). Disconnect the wire at-
tached to the circuit breaker and remove the
breaker by pulling outward and to the side. Snap
in a proper size replacement, reconnect the wire
and reinstall panel cover. Re-energize the shelter
and check circuit for proper operation.
f. ECU Power Cable.
(1) Check cable (item 44, figure D-2) for
signs of fraying, cracks, etc.
All repairs/replacement to the ECU ca-
ble/connector should be performed with
the 30 amp 3 phase circuit breaker
turned off.
(2) The power connector (item 27, figure
may be repaired by resoldering broken wires.
Minor damage to the cable jacket may be repaired
by wrapping with plastic electricians tape. To-re-
place the cable and connector, remove the box
cover plate (item 22, figure D-2) and disconnect
the cable wires. Loosen the cable clamp (item 35,
figure D-2) and remove cable. Install new cable
and tighten clamp. Connect cable wires to shelter
wiring and solder connector (item 27, figure D-2)
to free end of cable in accordance with shelter
wiring diagram in drawing 4920-EG-056 (figure D-
2). Test connector with an ohmeter for shorts be-
tween contacts.
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