TM 55-4920-403-20&P
C H A P T E R 2
O P E R A T O R / C R E W M A I N T E N A N C E I N S T R U C T I O N S
2-1. Service Upon Receipt of Material from Stor-
age or lnitial Issue.
a. Shelters will normally be received in the
following condition:
(1) Storage frames for the environmental
control unit will be installed.
(2) Work table, shelf/table and fire extin-
guisher are already attached to the floor and wall
of the shelter.
(3) Power cable (item 2, figure D-4) is
stored under the work table.
(4) The grinding machine and vise will
be installed as illustrated in figure D-3.
(5) Components of tool sets will nor-
mally be boxed and strapped to the shelter floor.
(6) Environmental control units, which
are TOE items, will normally be shipped sepa-
rately from the shelter.
b. Cleaning and stowage will be performed
as follows.
Inspect all material after cleaning for
deterioration or damage.
(1) Remove web straps securing boxed
components of the shop set.
(2) Unpack components of shop set from
boxes. Remove preservative material from tools
and store tools in the drawers of work table. Re-
pair or replace damaged or missing material.
(3) Remove packing and preservative
materials from vise and grinding machine.
(4) If shelters are to be transported to
another location before being put into operation,
perform the following operations:
(a) Place the environmental control
units in storage frames and secure with web
straps (figure D-7).
A minimum of two persons are needed
when moving or lifting the environ-
mental control unit.
(b) Secure power cable
2-2. Preparing Shelter for Operation.
under work
Using the handles, raise one end of the
environmental control unit and slide it out of the
b. ECU shipping bracket may be removed
from floor and stowed in a convenient place.
Make sure that both 3 phase circuit
breakers (60A and 20A) on the circuit
breaker panel are In the off position be-
fore proceeding with the next step.
Open ECU mounting port and install ECU
on the shelter mounting shelf. Connect ECU
power cable (item 44, figure D-2).
d. Open shelter vent on door.
e. Drive ground stake and connect to ground
post on shelter in accordance with TC 11-6.
f. Set power distribution panel next to gen-
erator set and attach pigtail to generator.
Make sure generator Is set for 208V 3
phase operation and pigtall leads are
connected in accordance with drawing
4920-EG-077 (figure D-5).
Lay power cables from each shelter to the
power distribution panel.
h. Make sure all circuit breakers in the shel-
ter are off, then connect power cable to shelter.
i. Connect power cable to power distribution
j. Connect the cable assembly from power
distribution panel to generator pigtail cable