of Vibration Transducer Type 4-128-0101
screws (1) in cover (2) and tighten securely to the
coil and pole piece assembly (9).
The vibration transducer is a precision instru-
ment and should NOT be overhauled unless it
j. Using a vacuum pump and bell jar, evacuate air
has definitely been found to be defective. Peri-
from assembled parts (9 through 14) and fill with
odic overhaul is not recommended. Test the
three psig argon gas. Install ball (8) and tighten
transducer as described in paragraphs 1-66
screw (7).
through 1-69, and do not disassemble or over-
haul if the transducer functions properly. If
k. Install cable assembly (4) to terminals of center
overhaul is required, perform the work in a
pole piece assembly in the following manner:
clean, a i r conditioned instrument shop, or
equivalent. Use extreme care not to damage the
(1) Install set screw (3) in cover (2), and tighten
parts during removal and overhaul. Keep the
securely. Be sure set screw sets in the recess of the
parts clean and avoid contact with any substance
strain relief assembly (5).
or materials that could contaminate the parts.
(2) Wrap leads of cable assembly (4) around
terminals of center pole piece assembly at least
one turn.
assemble and reassemble the vibration transducer,
Care should be taken during soldering of leads
to terminals. Excessive heat will damage inter-
exceed 50 watts. Do not use a soldering gun.
Do not attempt to unscrew the bobbin assem-
bly from case while cover is still attached.
(3) Install leads of cable assembly (4) to termi-
Attempted removal in this manner will cause
nals of center pole piece assembly as per figure
the screws to shear off.
1-32. Using 98% lead and 2% silver solder with solid
assembly (4) to terminals of coil and pole piece
It is recommended that the vibration trans-
assembly (9).
ducer be demagnetized prior to disassembly to
prevent attraction of foreign particles.
l. Apply a thin coat of Plaskon to the four screw
To disassemble the vibration transducer, proceed as
holes on top of the pole piece assembly (9). Install
follows :